Elaine James has worked in various grant making and commissioning roles across children and adult social care for over 20 years. She is an honorary researcher at Lancaster University. Rob Mitchell is a Principal Social Worker; he co-chaired the national Principal Social Worker Network for two years, is a Trustee of the National Social Work Awards and he is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at Lancaster University. Dr Hannah Morgan is a Senior Lecturer in Disability Studies, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University and Director of the Centre for Disability Research (Ce DR).Mark Harvey is a Director of Disability Services in a Local Authority; he also co-chaired the national Principal Social Worker Network.Ian Burgess is a social worker, Best Interest Assessor and Mental Capacity Lead.
1 Ebooks bởi Rob Mitchell
Elaine James & Rob Mitchell: Social Work, Cats and Rocket Science
This book tells stories of just how powerful social work can be. At its heart are stories drawn from frontline practice, ranging from first interviews through to complex decision-making. Along the wa …