Shortcuts, tricks, and tips to make you even more productivewith Mac OS X Snow Leopard Nearly 75 million people are using Mac OS X. If you’re one ofthem, and you’re looking for useful and surprising techniquespresented in an easy-to-follow visual format, Mac OS X Snow Leopard Visual Quick Tips has just what you need.Here you’ll find productivity tricks, cool secrets, timesavingtips, and other ideas that can take your OS X knowledge beyond thebasics. With colorful screenshots and illustrations plusstep-by-step instructions, Mac OS X Snow Leopard Visual Quick Tips helps you get more from your Mac.* Easy-to-find, easy-to-follow instructions presented for thevisual learner* Learn to customize your Mac and get more from OS X Snow Leopard* Play with multimedia, including i Photo and i Movieapplications* Discover new ways to create, organize, and share digitalcontent* Find helpful troubleshooting and maintenance tips to help your Mac run better This handy, 6×9′ full-color guide is packed with ideas to helpyou have more fun and get more done with Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
Mục lục
chapter 1 Getting Started.chapter 2 Customizing Your Mac Desktop and Notebook.chapter 3 Managing Files and Folders.chapter 4 Working More Efficiently.chapter 5 Working with Data.chapter 6 Working with Multimedia.chapter 7 Using the Internet.chapter 8 Using Mail and i Chat.chapter 9 Printing and Using Graphics.chapter 10 Working with Special Programs.chapter 11 Troubleshooting Your Mac.Index.