Whatcha Gonna Do with Whatcha Got provides a thoroughly detailed map for navigating the jungles of Christian estate planning. Daum includes many nuts and bolts yet keeps the matter of going through the process in the right way down to earth.
Robert Daum’s enthusiasm for biblical stewardship is undeniable. He recognizes that his several decades of work in planned giving has not merely been a career but a calling-a ministry. The business and financial dimensions are apparent, but Daum deliberately emphasizes the spiritual dimension. His goal is not to be a smooth-talking fundraiser for the church. He genuinely encourages readers to evaluate their relationships with Jesus and embrace the importance of allocating our treasures and establishing our hearts above. The repeated counsel to bathe the process in prayer outweighs all the definitions, steps, and resources, as valuable as they are. The author also includes beneficial stories and case studies.
This book offers guidance in effectively determining how to dedicate ourselves to advancing the gospel commission throughout our lives and beyond.
Mục lục
1-Introduction-An Overview of this Book
SECTION I-The Moral and Ethical Background of Christian Estate Planning
2-Stewardship and The Great Controversy
Holistic Stewardship and the Great Controversy
Chart: Chronology of Last Day Events
3-Our Personal Spiritual and Stewardship Journeys and God’s Call to Ministry
4-Bible Stories Reveal How Stewardship Improves Your Relationship with Jesus
5-My Interview with Dean and Pam Nice
6-Family Support and Inheritance Plans: Important Lessons for Today’s Relationships with God and Family
Lesson #1: What Do I Owe My Family?
Lesson #2: God’s Socio-Economic Systems in Four Eras
Era #1: The Old Testament Model
Era #2: The New Testament Model
Era #3: The Apostolic Christian Church; the Spirit of Sacrifice
Era #4: The Time of the End-All Belongs to God; with the Spirit of Sacrifice
Chart: Summary of Socio-Economic Systems of the Old Testament, Apostolic Era, and End-Time Church
7-Why Estate Planning Is Important in the Great Controversy
My Personal Story on the Topic of Will Planning
Why All This Effort Before Seeing a Lawyer?
Will-Plan Design-More Introductory Thoughts
SECTION II-Completing an Estate Plan with the Assistance of a Seventh-day Adventist Denominational Organization’s Planned Giving & Trust Services Department
8-Availability of Professional Adventist Ministerial Assistance in the Will Planning Process
Preparation for Time of Trouble – Expect Individual Instruction
9-A Slice of History: A Variety of Operating Models for Planned Giving & Trust Services Departments at Seven Denominational Organizations (as of 2003)
10 -Authorized and Unauthorized Practice of Law, Issues of Legal Safety for the Will-Plan Design, and Documents If Contested in Court After the Trust-maker’s Death
The Lord’s Double-Barreled Blessing
11-My Experience as a Seventh-day Adventist Estate Stewardship Minister, Planned Giving Consultant, and Trust Officer
My Background
My New Personal Covenant with God in 1981
12-Donor Delight or Donor Chagrin? Stories of Assisting People in My Ministry: The Great Controversy in Action on the Front Lines of the Conflict
SECTION III-Designing an Estate Plan Based on Sound Principles
13-Will My Will-Plan Be in the Potter’s Hands?
14-Designer Principles of the Spiritual Dimension in the Context of the Great Controversy in Action
Faith-Whatcha Do with Whatcha Got Is a Salvation Issue
Ownership-How Does Ownership Impact My Will-Plan Design?
Family-How Does Family Influence My Will-Plan Design?
Estate Stewardship-How Does Estate Stewardship Affect My Will-Plan Design?
Personal Application-How Do I Apply Design Principles to My Plan?
Legal Issues in the Will-Plan Design
SECTION IV Designing an Estate Plan Apart from Denominational Assistance-Concepts and Vocabulary
15-What Is a Will?
Disadvantages of Dying Intestate
Significance of Order in Our Lives
Contents of a Will
Advantages of a Legally Valid Will-Plan
The Foundation of All Estate Plan Documents
Advantages of a Will-Only Plan
16-What Is a Revocable Living Trust?
What is the Vocabulary of Trust Ownership?
Revocable Living Trust (RLT) May Serve as a Will Substitute
Estate Tax Issues
Life Estate Gift of Property
17-How to Select and Work with a Lawyer
My History of Working with Lawyers
Gift Planning for the Ministry of God’s Word-a Finished Work
Legal Representation
Overcoming Stranger Danger
18-Conclusion-Final Thoughts
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Pastor Robert Daum, a Certified Specialist in Planned Giving (CSPG), has forged an incredible career of credibility in the noble field of Christian stewardship. He has faithfully represented several Seventh-day Adventist organizations and assisted thousands of brothers and sisters in expressing their devotion to the Lord through the sacrificial investment of their assets.