The third installment of Rosanne Bittner’s memorable Savage Destiny series finds Zeke and Abbie Monroe settled into a cabin along the Arkansas River in southern Colorado, where they build a horse ranch amid challenges to their love and their contrasting worlds. As Abbie bears more children carrying their mixed blood, finding a peaceful family life is something that does not come easily. Zeke’s Cheyenne relatives face broken treaties, and the building of the Union Pacific cuts a swath of violence and change through the lives of white and Cheyenne alike, forcing the Monroe children to face deeply torn loyalties. New and powerful enemies enter this spellbinding story, and Zeke’s love for his Abbie is tested in a totally unexpected way that would devastate the love of most couples with even the strongest relationship. No two people demonstrate the power of love more vividly and with more poignancy than Zeke and Abbie Monroe in River of Love.
“Power, passion, tragedy, and triumph are Rosanne Bittner’s hallmarks. Again and again, she brings readers to tears.” —Romantic Times
“Extraordinary…Bittner’s characters spring to life.” —Publishers Weekly
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Named one of the “Pioneer Authors of Romance” by Romantic Times, Rosanne Bittner is the author of sixty historical romance novels, most set in the American West of the 1800s. Her next novel, Desperate Hearts, will be published by Sourcebooks in September 2014.