4 Ebooks bởi Russell Kolts
Russell Kolts: Compassionate Mind Approach to Managing Your Anger
We can all get angry from time to time but when it gets out of hand it can have a serious impact on many aspects of our lives. As well as having an impact on our physical and mental health and our ab …
Russell Kolts & Thubten Chodron: Die Weisheit eines offenen Herzens
Wie wir lernen, Mitgefühl im Alltag zu entwickeln Seit einigen Jahren versteht die westliche Wissenschaft immer besser, was der Buddhismus uns seit Jahrtausenden lehrt: dass das bewusste Entwickeln v …
tiếng Đức
Russell Kolts: Anger Workbook
Anger is one of the most difficult emotions for human beings to cope with. If our anger is unmanaged, we can end up behaving in destructive ways towards both ourselves and other people, and can face …