An interrogation of the often-unexamined assumption that silence is oppressive, to consider the multiple possibilities silence enables. The volume features diverse feminist reflections on the nuanced relationship between silence and voice to foreground the creative, meditative, generative and resistive power our silences engender.
Mục lục
Still the Silence: Introductory Reflections on Silence and Power; A.C.Rowe & S.Malhotra PART I: TRANSFORMATIVE SILENCES: INTERSECTIONALITY, PRIVILEGE, ALLIANCES Resistant Silences; C.Keating Between Speech and Silence: Reflections on Accountability; A.Russo Qwe’re Performances of Silence: Many Ways to Live ‘Out Loud’; J.Johnson Silence Speaks Volumes: Counter-Hegemonic Silences, Deafness, and Alliance Work; R.Levitt PART II: LEARNING TO LISTEN: ACADEMIA, SILENCE AND RESISTANCE Imposed Silence and the Story of the Warramunga Woman: Alternative Interpretations and Possibilities; R.Clair Silence and Voice in a More-than-Human World; J.Bile Inila: An Account of Opening to Sacred Knowing; S.A.De la Garza Attuned to Silence: A Pedagogy of Presence; A.Fidyk Hear I Meet the Silence: The Wise Pedagogue; C.Lossie The U.S. Day of Silence: Sexualities, Silences and the Will to Unsay in the Age of Empire; G.A.Yep & S.B.Shimanoff PART III: RECOVERING SILENCES: COMMUNITY, FAMILY, INTIMACY Keeping Quiet: Performing Pain; D.Pollock ‘3210 S. Indiana: Silence and the Meanings of Home’; F.Royster Fences, Weapons, Gifts: Silences in the Context of Addiction; K.Acheson My Monster and My Muse: Re-Writing the Colonial Hangover; K.Pérez PART IV: LEGACIES OF SILENCE: MEMORY, HEALING, POWER The Silence in My Belly; S.Malhotra Standing in the Wake of My Father’s Silence (An Alternative Eulogy); B.K.Alexander Stitching Survival: Revisioning Silence and Expression; L.Farah Sun Moon Silence; A.C.Rowe Index
Giới thiệu về tác giả
SHEENA MALHOTRA is Professor and Chair of Gender & Women’s Studies at California State University, Northridge, USA. Her research focuses on media in India and the Indian diaspora, drawing on Feminist Media Studies and Transnational/Postcolonial Feminism. She is co-author of Answer The Call: Virtual Migration in Indian Call Centers.
AIMEE CARRILLO ROWE is Associate Professor of Communication Studies at California State University, Northridge, USA. She teaches and writes in the areas of Rhetoric, Feminist Theory, and Cultural Studies. Her book, Power Lines: On the Subject of Feminist Alliances (2008), explores subjectivity as relational, generating possibilities for transracial feminist alliances.