This book focuses on the relationship between literary culture, power, society and war. It assesses the critical importance of Michel Foucault’s lecture series Society Must Be Defended for contemporary debates about war and terror in literary and cultural studies, as well as social and political thought.
Mục lục
Notes on Contributors Introduction Life Struggles: War, Disciplinary Power and Biopolitics; J.Reid ‘Power’s ode to itself’: History, Power and Poetry in the Post-Waterloo Writing of Hazlitt, Byron and Shelley: S.Bainbridge Sovereignty, Biopolitics, and the Use of Literature: Michel Foucault and Kathy Acker; A.Houen Michel Foucault: Biopolitics and Biology; J.Marks Biopower, Biological Racism and Eugenics; C.Hanson Michel Foucault: Defending Society and the Idea of Race; D.Macey War and Peace, or Governmentality as the Ruin of Democracy; L.Hartley Necropolitics; A.Mbembe A Geopolitical Blindspot in Foucault’s Thought: Biopolitics, Torture and Indefinite Detention in the Colonial World; S.Morton ‘Manual for a Raid’ and ‘Henslowe’s Diary’: Foucault and the Multiple Meanings of the Document; R.Fensome Foucault, Auden and two New York Septembers; S.Bygrave Notes Index
Giới thiệu về tác giả
SIMON BAINBRIDGE is Professor of Romantic Studies and Co-Director of the Wordsworth Cen Lancaster University, UK REBECCA FENSOME works on representations of Islam in the Renaissance, Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham, UK CLAIRE HANSON is Professor of English, University of Southampton, UK LUCY HARTLEY is an Associate Professor of Nineteenth-Century British Literature, Department of English, University of Michigan, USA ALEX HOUEN teaches English and American Studies at University of Sheffield, UK DAVID MACEY is an independent scholar and translator JOHN MARKS is Reader in French, Nottingham Trent University, UK ACHILLE MBEMBE is Research Professor in the Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa JULIAN REID is a Lecturer in War Studies, Kings College, London, UK