Tác giả: S. P. Singh

Ủng hộ
Pradeep Kumar Jain is a Professor in Electronics Engineering, and he is the Director of the National Institute of Technology Patna. Dr. Jain has immense experience both in research and administration. He made a significant contribution to the analysis, modeling, and development of high-power microwave tubes and gyrotron devices. Prof. Jain guided 20 Doctoral theses and has 100 peer-reviewed articles published in indexed journals, 200 conference proceedings, a patent, and authored six book/monograph chapters, to his credit. He served in various administrative positions as Dean-R&D at IIT (BHU), Varanasi; Coordinator of Microwave Tubes Research Centre and Centre of Advanced Studies; Head of the Department of Electronics Engineering, IIT (BHU). Prof. Jain did extensive R&D activities in collaboration with CEERI (CSIR, Pilani), DRDO, IPR (DAE, Gandhi Nagar), and successfully executed numerous sponsored research projects.   Yatindra Nath Singh iscurrently the Dean of Infrastructure and Planning at IIT Kanpur. Prof. Singh has led a team of researchers and academicians across India to develop Brihaspati, a project that aims at developing a platform-independent highly scalable content delivery system for a web-based e-learning system. He pursued his under graduation in electrical engineering from REC Hamirpur (present National Institute of Technology Hamirpur), a master”s with a specialization in optoelectronics and optical communications, and a Ph.D. in optical communication networks from IIT Delhi. He supervised 15 Ph.D. theses, published several journal articles, and conference proceedings, and completed several sponsored projects besides Brihaspati.  Ravi Paul Gollapalli is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology at the University of North Alabama. He has an electrical engineering background with a specialization in optics and has research experience in signal and imageprocessing, pattern recognition analysis for remote sensing, and applications of femtosecond lasers. Dr. Gollapalli received his Ph.D. from the University of Alabama, Huntsville, and was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the University of South Alabama, USA. He has published his works in peer-reviewed Journals, Conferences, and a book chapter. Besides, Dr. Gollapalli is actively involved in experimental works, numerical simulations, simulation of femtosecond laser pulse propagation in materials, fabrication of nanostructures on glass and silicon substrates using micro/nanofabrication processes, and designing RF circuits for noise analysis. Further, he built an optical amplifier (EDFA) and supported the processing of signals from an impedance probe equipped on-board the NASA SOUND rocket. Sohanpal Singh is a Professor and Head of the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department at Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad. He worked for 18years in the Indian Army Corps of EME. During his service in the Indian Army, he was in radar maintenance activities. Dr. Singh has developed a synchro-based training model for defense application, received several cash rewards for his indigenization work on the radar Schilka and did several modifications in radar SFM to reduce the error rate. Later he chose his career as an academician. Dr. Singh received his Ph.D. from Osmania University, Hyderabad, in 2007. He supervised three doctoral theses so far, and four are in progress. He has over 96 publications in journals and conference proceedings and completed several funded projects from AICTE.

17 Ebooks bởi S. P. Singh

Sunil Kumar & Vinod Kumar: Pericyclic Reactions
Pericyclic Reactions: A Mechanistic and Problem-Solving Approach provides complete and systematic coverage of pericyclic reactions for researchers and graduate students in organic chemistry and pharm …
S. P Singh: Topological Methods in Nonlinear Functional Analysis
This volume contains the proceedings of the special session on Fixed Point Theory and Applications held during the Summer Meeting of the American Mathematical Society at the University of Toronto, Au …
S.P. Singh: Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications
A NATO Advanced Study Institute on Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications was held in Hotel Villa del Mare, Maratea, It.a1y during April 22 – May 3, 1985. This volume consists of the Proc …
J.H.W. Burry & S.P. Singh: Approximation Theory and Spline Functions
A NATO Advanced Study Institute on Approximation Theory and Spline Functions was held at Memorial University of Newfoundland during August 22-September 2, 1983. This volume consists of the Proceeding …
S.P. Singh: Approximation Theory, Spline Functions and Applications
These are the Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Approximation Theory, Spline Functions and Applications held in the Hotel villa del Mare, Maratea, Italy between April 28, 1991 and M …
S.P. Singh: Approximation Theory, Wavelets and Applications
Approximation Theory, Wavelets and Applications draws together the latest developments in the subject, provides directions for future research, and paves the way for collaborative research. The main …
S.P. Singh & P. Srivastava: Fixed Point Theory and Best Approximation: The KKM-map Principle
The aim of this volume is to make available to a large audience recent material in nonlinear functional analysis that has not been covered in book format before. Here, several topics of current and g …
S.P. Singh: Common Bean Improvement in the Twenty-First Century
The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. ) is the most important pulse crop in the world. It is an important source of calories, proteins, dietary fibers, minerals, and vitamins for millions of people …
N. RAMACHANDRAN & Dr. S. P. Singh: Lesser Known Germplasm Of Small Ruminants
Small ruminants seem to be the best choice of the livestock component to provide nutritional security of ever growing population and well-being of the society. Small ruminants are spread all over the …
J. H. Burry & S. P. Singh: nonlinear analysis and applications
This book contains lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics from the proceedings of an International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, held at Memorial University of Newfoundlan …
J. H. Burry & S. P. Singh: nonlinear analysis and applications
This book contains lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics from the proceedings of an International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, held at Memorial University of Newfoundlan …
Pradip Kumar Jain & Yatindra Nath Singh: Advances in Signal Processing and Communication Engineering
This book comprises select proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communication Engineering (ICASPACE 2021). The book covers several theoretical and mathemat …
Pramod Kumar & Sumit Sharma: Damping in Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials
Damping in Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials starts with an introduction to the basic concepts of damping in composite materials. Methods of modeling damping are then covered, along with recent de …
S P Singh & Zafar Ahmad Reshi: Ecology of Himalayan Treeline Ecotone
This book brings together comprehensive multi-disciplinary knowledge on diverse aspects of the Himalayan treeline ecotone which is considered one of the most sensitive ecosystems to climate change. T …
Dr. S. P. Singh: Introduction To International Financial Management
Financial management involves taking a historic view of your groups finances. By looking at your past records of income and expenditure, you can form an accurate idea of what you are likely to receiv …
Anil Kumar Gupta & Manish Kumar Goyal: Ecosystem Restoration: Towards Sustainability and Resilient Development
This edited book offers coverage towards SDG 15 in particular, but it provides for all the SDGs in general. The book is an inclusive comprehension on ecosystem restoration and sustainability includin …
Pradip Kumar Jain & Yatindra Nath Singh: Advances in Signal Processing and Communication Engineering
This book comprises select proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communication Engineering (ICASPACE 2023). The book covers several theoretical and mathemat …