This book offers authors’ practices, initiatives, and experiences in sustaining their education during the pandemic from different countries, contexts, and political situations. It provides a future prediction for the education system in the world due to the transformation that happened in the post-COVID-19 era. Each chapter of the book is expected to shed light on different countries describing their education system in the past, present, and future. The readers of the book will be able to learn, compare, and analyze the differences and similarities between the educations offered to learners around the world.
The book also presents a new model of e-learning that will help learners, teachers, and educational systems to participate in achieving sustainable development goals. The book introduces several scenarios of types of learning and how to plan, design, and implement them in F2F and online environments.
Mục lục
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Pre-school Education from the Point of View of Pre-school Teachers.- Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on School and Learning in Extremely Vulnerable Areas of Jerusalem.- Measuring gamification influence on students’ academic behaviour: The case of BME elective course.- Palestinian University experiences of Emergency Remote Learning during Covid 19 in Light of the INEE Minimum Standards.- Digital Literacy in the Palestinian Public Schools: The Influence of Gamification-Based Learning.- Effectiveness and Dark Sides of e-Learning in EFL Classrooms.- “Why Do We Learn?” Children’s Perceptions and Future Insights.- Protecting the virtual classroom and Ensuring the Right to Quality Education As one of the Sustainable Development Goals.- Using educational video to enhance creative thinking among eight grade students.- ON or OFF!? How Arab students perceive using webcams in online learning.- A comparison between law and Shareea faculties experiences in elearning during the Pandemic.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Saida Affouneh works as Deputy President of digitalization and e-learning, and has established e-learning center at An Najah National University (Palestine) since 2012. She has worked with her team hardly to empower faculty members in technology and pedagogy skills. She received a grant to get her leadership certificate in online learning from Sloan Consortium and Penn State University, the United States of America, and she was the only one from the Middle East who gained this qualification in 2012. She did her post-doctoral research in the Role of Distance Learning in Women Empowerment funded by Palestinian American Research Center (PARC). She is doing her second Ph.D. now in Salamanca University, Spain. She has published several articles in the field of enhancing technology into teaching and learning, and has led many initiatives in STEM-related projects, such as ‘STEM summer School’, ‘Math is interesting believe it or not’, ‘Rethink I am here’, and ‘Safe Online Initiative’.Soheil Salha is an Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction with specialization in the field of Educational Technology and Math Education. His studies focus on online teaching and learning, educational leadership, teacher education, curriculum analysis, using software in learning and teaching Mathematics, school design and higher education issues.
Ahmed Tlili is an Associate Professor at Beijing Normal University, China, Adjunct Associate Professor at An-Najah University, Palestine and a Visiting Professor at UNIR, Spain. He is the Co-Director of the OER Lab at the Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University (SLIBNU), China. He serves as the Editor of Springer Series ‘Future Education and Learning Spaces’, and the Associate Editor of the journals Smart Learning Environments, IEEE Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology, and the Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society. Professor Tlili is also an expert at the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO). He has edited several special issues in several journals. He has also published several books, as well as academic papers in international referred journals and conferences. He has been awarded the Martin Wolpers 2021 Prize by the Research Institute for Innovation and Technology in Education (UNIR i TED) in recognition of excellence in research, education and significant impact on society. He also has been awarded the IEEE TCLT Early Career Researcher Award in Learning Technologies for 2020.Sameer Abu-Eisheh is Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering at An-Najah National University, Palestine. He received his Ph.D. in civil engineering with distinction from Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A, in 1987, and M.Sc. from the same university in 1984. He received his B.Sc. from the University of Jordan in 1982. He served as the President’s Assistant for Planning and Development, the Dean of Engineering, and the Head of the Department of Civil Engineering at An-Najah National University. He was a visiting Professor at a number of American, German, and French universities. His fields of interest and experience include urban transportation planning, travel demand modeling, transportation systems management, traffic safety, smart transportation, strategic planning, national/regional planning, and multimedia and engineering education. He authored more than 150 published papers or refereed conference papers. He served as the Chair or Scientific Committee Chair for a number of conferences, and delivered keynotes speeches in scientific conferences. He has got a number of international and local awards