St. Alphonsus de Liguori, the saintly founder of the Redemptorist Congregation, is famed for his romantic and beautiful descriptions of the lives of Our Lord and His Holy Mother. Drawing from the Fathers, the Mystics and from his own wealth of piety, St. Alphonsus famously wrote in a manner designed to cut straight to the heart, and to provoke a response of deeper conversion and contrition in the soul of the reader.
In this work, for the first time, the collected meditations of this great saint have been attached to the individual mysteries of the Holy Rosary, indeed, to the individual beads of each mystery of the Holy Rosary. In this treasure trove of contemplative material, you will find hundreds of carefully selected passages to aid you and your family in the devout recitation of Our Lady’s Holy Rosary.
The book covers both the 15 Traditional Mysteries of the Rosary as well as the Mysteries of Light. An additional set of mysteries, the Hopeful Mysteries, is also included, as a means of contemplating the events in the life of Our Lady prior to the Annunciation and her prophetic foreshadowing.
Mục lục
The Joyful Mysteries
The First Joyful Mystery
The Annunciation
The Second Joyful Mystery
The Visitation
The Third Joyful Mystery
The Nativity of Jesus Christ
The Fourth Joyful Mystery
The Purification of Mary and the Presentation of the Infant Christ in the Temple
The Fifth Joyful Mystery
The Finding of the Boy Jesus in the Temple
The Sorrowful Mysteries
The First Sorrowful Mystery
The Agony in the Garden
The Second Sorrowful Mystery
The Scourging at the Pillar
The Third Sorrowful Mystery
The Crowning with Thorns
The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery
The Carrying of the Cross
The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery
The Crucifixion of Our Lord
The Glorious Mysteries
The First Glorious Mystery
The Resurrection
The Second Glorious Mystery
The Ascension
The Third Glorious Mystery
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
The Fourth Glorious Mystery
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
The Fifth Glorious Mystery
The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Glory of all the Angels and Saints
The Mysteries of Light
The First Mystery of Light
The Baptism of Our Lord in the River Jordan
The Second Mystery of Light
The Miracle at the Wedding Feast of Cana
The Third Mystery of Light
The Proclamation of the Kingdom and the Call to Conversion
The Fourth Mystery of Light
The Transfiguration of the Lord on Mount Tabor
The Fifth Mystery of Light
The Institution of the Holy Eucharist
The Hopeful Mysteries
The First Hopeful Mystery
The Creation of all things in Christ
The Second Hopeful Mystery
The Promise of the Redeemer and Co-Redemptrix
The Third Hopeful Mystery
The Birth of the Immaculate Virgin Mary to Sts. Joachim and Ann
The Fourth Hopeful Mystery
The Presentation of Mary in the Temple as a Girl
The Fifth Hopeful Mystery
The Chaste Espousals of Mary and Joseph
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Fr Mark Higgins, ordained in 2015, is a priest of the Archdiocese of Southwark, England. He is also the editor of The Holy Rosary through the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, The Holy Rosary through the Writings of the Fathers of the Church and The Holy Rosary through the Visions of Saint Bridget of Sweden all published by Catholic Way Publishing.