Tác giả: Samuel P. Huntington

Ủng hộ
Samuel P. Huntington war Professor für Politikwissenschaft und Leiter des John-M.-Olin-Instituts für Strategische Studien an der Universität Harvard. Darüber hinaus arbeitete der Mitbegründer der Zeitschrift »Foreign Affairs« als Berater des US-Außenministeriums. Huntington veröffentlichte circa 100 wissenschaftliche Artikel und knapp ein Dutzend, z.T. wegweisende Bücher wie »The Soldier and the State« und »American Politics«. »The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order« wurde in 26 Sprachen übersetzt. Samuel P. Huntington starb im Dezember 2008 im Alter von 81 Jahren.

7 Ebooks bởi Samuel P. Huntington

Michael Cromartie: Religion, Culture, and International Conflict
As religiously grounded moral arguments have become ever more influential factors in the national debate-particularly reinforced by recent presidential elections and the creation of the faith-based i …
Samuel P. Huntington: Kampf der Kulturen
Der amerikanische Politikwissenschaftler Samuel P. Huntington stellt in seinem Buch die Frage nach den weltpolitischen Entwicklungen im 21. Jahrhundert. Statt eines harmonischen Zusammenwachsens in e …
tiếng Đức
Peter L. Berger & Samuel P. Huntington: Many Globalizations
Much discussed but poorly understood, globalization is at once praised as the answer to all the world’s problems and blamed for everything from pollution to poverty. Here Berger and Huntington bring …
Peter L. Berger & Samuel P. Huntington: Many Globalizations
Much discussed but poorly understood, globalization is at once praised as the answer to all the world’s problems and blamed for everything from pollution to poverty. Here Berger and Huntington bring …
Samuel P. Huntington: Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
The classic study of post-Cold War international relations, more relevant than ever in the post-9/11 world, with a new foreword by Zbigniew Brzezinski.Since its initial publication, The Clash of Civi …
Samuel P. Huntington: Ciocnirea civilizațiilor
Bazată pe un faimos articol al autorului publicat în Foreign Affairs în 1993, Ciocnirea civilizaţiilor şi refacerea ordinii mondiale este o analiză provocatoare şi profetică asupra politicii mondiale …
tiếng Ru-ma-ni
Samuel P. Huntington: Soldier and the State
In a classic work, Samuel P. Huntington challenges most of the old assumptions and ideas on the role of the military in society. Stressing the value of the military outlook for American national poli …