Firetrucks may have started as water pumps on wheels designed to accompany bucket brigades. They moved through horse-drawn fire pumps and self-propelled, scary steam powered engines that were soon followed by the Knox automobile fire engine that added ladders and human-sized buckets attached to a bending arm. However, all the equipment through the decades that was designed to more efficiently save lives, none could match the hard work and bravery of over one
million firefighters who serve in either a volunteer or paid capacity in the United States today. In ‘Somebody Get the Buckets – The Firetruck Has a Flat Tire’, Sandy continues to sift through often untold stories of firehouse and firetruck history. Using their voices and those of the resident cats, stories of life as a firefighter and the firetrucks who helped them, highlight their love of the profession, the sacrifices made every day and heroism sometimes forgotten.