Love for all things classic led Sharon Pelphrey to Latin, ancient and medieval history, and the life of St. Brendan the Navigator. His unique relevance to every major crisis of our century, responsibility towards nature and water rights through the conduct of spiritual authority, has led her to point modern educators and performers once again to his delightful good humor and courage. Her career in Christian and secular education as well as publication has led her to Britain, Hong Kong, and across the United States for over 35 years. She is currently Presbytera and chanter at St. George Greek Orthodox Church, Shreveport, where she serves beside her husband of forty-three years, Father Brendan Pelphrey.
2 Ebooks bởi Sharon Pelphrey
Sharon Pelphrey: O Honored Father
For fifteen hundred years, popular audiences have loved tales of the Brendan voyage and have turned to them for inspiration. Never have their gentleness, intimacy with nature, amusement, and redempti …
Sharon Pelphrey: Honor Et Gloria
Something went terribly wrong at his monastery, and Brendan the Navigator had nowhere to turn. Then a storyteller dropped by his cell at Clonfert Abbey one evening. This fortunate visit changed his l …