Prof. Dr. Wolfram Hilz, Professor of Political Science with a special focus on Foreign and Security Policy and European Studies at the University of Bonn.
Dr. Shushanik Minasyan, Research fellow with a special focus on EU Neighbourhood Policy and Energy Policy at the University of Bonn.
Dr. habil. Maciej Raś, Associate Professor with a special focus on EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood and Russia at the University of Warsaw.
3 Ebooks bởi Shushanik Minasyan
Shushanik Minasyan: Die energiepolitischen Interessen der EU im Südkaukasus
Die Energieversorgung der EU ist gefährdet. Denn Öl und Gas und dessen Transportwege werden immer mehr von Russland, aber auch anderen Staaten politisch instrumentalisiert. Seit Jahren will die EU si …
tiếng Đức
Wolfram Hilz & Shushanik Minasyan: Armenian Developments
The development of societies during and after periods of authoritarian or totalitarian rule is among the most interesting research topics in social sciences. On the one hand, the analysis is directed …
Wolfram Hilz & Shushanik Minasyan: Ambiguities of Europe’s Eastern Neighbourhood
Based on the diverging interests of Germany and Poland as influential members of the European Union on the Eastern Partnership (Ea P), the contributions in the anthology analyse specifics and current …