أستاذ فخري لمادة أخلاقيات البوذية في كلية جولدسميث بجامعة لندن، وهو باحث ومؤلف في مجال البوذية وتاريخها وتعاليمها وممارساتها. له كتاب مقدمة قصيرة جدًا عن أخلاقيات البوذية، وكتاب آخر عن البوذية والعلم، وكتاب ثالث عن البوذية والسياسة، بالإضافة إلى العديد من المقالات والمحاضرات حول البوذية.
99 Ebooks bởi Simone Beaudelaire
Simone Beaudelaire: Salvando Katerina
Embora nunca tenha pensado em si mesmo como um cavaleiro de armadura, o homem de negócios da Era Vitoriana Christopher sempre se preocupou muito com o bem estar de seus conterrâneos. Então quando sua …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Simone Beaudelaire & J.M. Northup: Salvando Sam
Sam Wallace entra na Força Aérea como um menino arruinado e rico. Anos depois, ele emerge um homem mudado e perturbado. Nada disso interessa para Amy, seu amigo mais antigo e mais fervoroso defensor. …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: La Sorellanza Della Paura
Qualcosa di terribile e spaventoso sta accadendo nel campus della St. Aggie’s University. Le ragazze si risvegliano con ferite inspiegabili – o spariscono all’improvviso. Olivia e la sua compagna di …
tiếng Ý
Simone Beaudelaire: Cuando Sana el Corazón
El amor de secundaria no está destinado a durar para siempre… ¿o sí? Drew de verdad amaba a Alyssa, la pobre chica del otro lado de las vías del tren. Pero su sueño de convertirse en cirujano l …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: Le dilemme de Devin
Brighton, Angleterre, 1856. Pour Devin Bennett, notaire débutant, rien n”est plus important que de faire avancer sa carrière. L”amour et le futur ne font pas partie de ses préoccupations  …
tiếng Pháp
Simone Beaudelaire: Escolha de Caroline
Anos apos seu trigesimo aniversario, o relogio biologico da professora de ingles Caroline Jones nao esta apenas correndo… esta gritando.Com o namorado demorando a se decidir, a tentativa de Carolin …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: Pasión De Las Altas Llanuras
Garden City, Kansas, 1889. Lydia Carré, dueña del único café de la pequeña ciudad, se ha quedado sin paciencia con su novio, el sheriff Dylan Brodie. Miradas anhelosas y frases medio pronunciadas ya …
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Simone Beaudelaire: Fogo-fátuo
Annabelle Smith é uma médium, atraída pelos mortos que precisam de sua ajuda para passar para o outro lado. O Dr. Gavin Morris está à procura de sobreviventes após um incêndio mortal, sabendo que aqu …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: Amor en as Tierras Altas
Garden City, Kansas, 1888. Un pequeño pueblo del oeste recibe un regalo de Navidad anticipado: un nuevo pastor para la iglesia. Es joven, guapo y soltero. Pero para la organista de la iglesia Kristin …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: Diabla
Annabelle Smith es una médium, atraída por los muertos que necesitan su ayuda para pasar al otro lado. El doctor Gavin Morris está buscando sobrevivientes después de un incendio mortal, sabiendo que …
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Simone Beaudelaire: La Sete di Sangue
Primavera, 1945. La guerra in Europa sta finendo, ma nel quartiere francese di New Orleans le notti afose nascondono un pericolo ancora maggiore per l”umanità. Contro l”antico e sanguinario male si …
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Simone Beaudelaire: Devilfire
Texas, 1885. In the aftermath of a deadly fire, Dr. Gavin Morris, on hand to render aid to the few survivors, runs into someone he does not expect. Medium Annabelle Smith has arrived to help the dead …
Simone Beaudelaire: High Plains Promise
Garden City, Kansas, 1888. Unlucky in love, sisters Allison and Rebecca Spencer have resigned themselves to a spinster lifestyle, replacing their thwarted romances with work, family and friends. Love …
Simone Beaudelaire: High Plains Heartbreak
Bounty hunter Jesse West is on the run from his own heartbreak. That is, until a final request of a dying friend brings Jesse into contact with Adeline Mc Coy; a stoic mountain girl who awakens his l …
Simone Beaudelaire: High Plains Passion
Garden City, Kansas, 1889. Café owner Lydia Carré has run out of patience with her long-time beau, Sheriff Dylan Brodie. Wistful glances and half-uttered phrases no longer satisfy her. A long-anticip …
Simone Beaudelaire: Colin’s Conundrum
Colin Butler, Lord Gelroy, is in deep trouble. Years of hard work and frugal living have finally failed, leaving his troubled estate on the brink of disaster. A last-ditch effort to stay out of debto …
Simone Beaudelaire: Keeping Katerina
The 1840s: a time of increasing social awareness, particularly for progressive cotton mill owner Adrian Bennett and his son Christopher. One social issue Christopher has never considered is violence …
Simone Beaudelaire: Devin’s Dilemma
Brighton, England, 1856. For young solicitor-at-law Devin Bennett, building his career is his foremost goal. Love and the future are far from his thoughts. The last thing he expects is Harry. Lady’s …
Simone Beaudelaire: Baylee Breaking
After a bitter divorce from his childhood sweetheart, Chase moves to a new town in Texas to start over. There, he encounters Baylee: pretty, fragile, and completely uninterested in Chase. Or is she? …
Simone Beaudelaire: Beautiful Rose
Jilted by his bride-to-be, wealthy Spanish landowner Don Vidal Salazar fears he’s lost his passion for life. That is, until his English secretary, Rosalind Carlisle, intervenes. Unable to resist her …
Simone Beaudelaire: High Plains Holiday
Garden City, Kansas, 1888. A small Western town receives an early Christmas present: a new pastor for the church. He is young, handsome, and single. To church organist Kristina Heitschmidt, Reverend …
Simone Beaudelaire: You Within Me
For adventurous steel heiress Violet Warren, life is satisfactory but not truly satisfying. It’s the wake of World War I, and although she has some friends and a mysterious book to keep her company, …
Simone Beaudelaire: O Despertar de Baylee
Após um amargo divórcio da sua namorada de infância, Chase muda-se para uma nova cidade no Texas para começar de novo. Lá, ele encontra Baylee: bonita, frágil e completamente desinteressada em Chase. …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: Cuando Acabe La Música
La música en ciernes Erin James conoce muy bien el ruido de la negligencia y la tragedia, y que su enamoramiento con el hermano de su mejor amiga Sheridan, Sean, está condenado a no florecer nunca. P …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: Tú Dentro Mío
Para la aventurera heredera del acero Violeta Warren, la vida es gratificante pero no verdaderamente satisfactoria. Es la estela de la Primera Guerra Mundial, y aunque tiene algunos amigos y un libro …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: Quando Finisce la Musica
The troubled life of budding musician Erin is finally starting to look brighter. She is about to graduate, she is falling in love with the boy she has always had a crush on – Sean, the brother of her …
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Simone Beaudelaire: Watching Over The Watcher
Psychic Selene Johansen is an excellent police investigator, able to determine guilt from the first handshake. While her talent for fact-finding keeps her busy, her personal life is lonely. After all …
Simone Beaudelaire: Where The Wind Blows
The irresistible harmony between musicians creates a passionate symphony, but past discords and present clashes sour the melody. Can their love finally ring true? When choir director Brooke Daniels c …
Simone Beaudelaire: Donde Sople El Viento
La armonía irresistible entre estos músicos crea una sinfonía apasionada, pero las discordias del pasado y los desacuerdos del presente agrían la melodía. ¿Podrá su amor finalmente sonar verdadero? C …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: Liebliche Rose
Der reiche spanische Gutsbesitzer, Don Vidal, wird von seiner Frau in spe sitzen gelassen. Er scheint die Lust am Leben verloren zu haben. Da tritt seine englische Sekretärin, Rosalind Carlisle, auf …
tiếng Đức
Simone Beaudelaire: Calor Polar
O shifter de urso polar Russel está feliz com sua vida isolada em uma pequena cidade do Alasca. Isto é, até que a chegada da professora do jardim de infância dos estados continentais explode o mundo …
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Simone Beaudelaire: Chaleur Polaire
Le métamorphe de l’ours polaire Russell est heureux de sa vie isolée dans une petite ville de l’Alaska. C’est-à-dire jusqu’à ce que l’arrivée d’un professeur de maternelle des 48 inférieurs met en pi …
tiếng Pháp
Simone Beaudelaire: Paixão em High Plains
A dona do café, Lydia Carré, está sem paciência com seu namorado de longa data, o xerife Dylan Brodie. Olhares melancólicos e frases meio pronunciadas não a satisfazem mais. Uma execução há muito esp …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: Si Tu M’Aimes
‘Shouldn’t we introduce ourselves before we get divorced?’ With these words, American grad student Breanne Smith secures the attraction of Nicolas Brassard, French banker. Through tragedy, heartbreak …
Simone Beaudelaire: The Key To Eternity
From the moment she arrives in California, architect Lia knows her working trip to the west coast is a disaster. The company that hired her seems determined to discredit both her work and her profess …
Simone Beaudelaire: Polar Heat
Polar bear shapeshifter Russell is happy with his isolated life in a small Alaskan town. That is, until the arrival of a kindergarten teacher from the lower 48 blows Russell’s comfortable world to pi …
Simone Beaudelaire: O Beijo do Nefilim
Desde os tempos antigos, os Nefilins angelicais protegeram os filhos dos homens. Esses guerreiros castos e eternos ficam entre a humanidade e as Súcubos, que drenam a vontade dos homens por meio da s …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: When The Music Ends
How does a fated love rise from a pleasant note to a passionate symphony? Budding musician Erin James knows all too well the noise of neglect and tragedy, and that her infatuation with her best frien …
Simone Beaudelaire: When The Words Are Spoken
After years of waiting, English instructor Sheridan Murphy is fed up with waiting for her former professor, Dr. Michael Burke, to bring an end to their unrequited longing. She finally takes initiativ …
Simone Beaudelaire: When The Heart Heals
High school love isn’t meant to last forever… is it? Drew truly loved Alyssa, the poor girl from the other side of the tracks. But his dream of becoming a surgeon took him away from her and he had …
Simone Beaudelaire: Caroline’s Choice
Years past her thirtieth birthday, English professor Caroline Jones’s biological clock isn’t just ticking, it’s screaming. With her boyfriend dragging his feet, Caroline’s attempt at an ultimatum sha …
Simone Beaudelaire: The Naphil’s Kiss
Since ancient times, the angelic Nephilim have protected the children of men. These chaste, eternal warriors stand between humanity and the Succubi, who drain men of their will through seduction. Whe …
Simone Beaudelaire: Salvando a Katerina
La década de 1840: una época de creciente conciencia social, especialmente para el progresista propietario de una fábrica de algodón, Adrian Bennett, y su hijo Christopher. Un tema social que Christo …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: Salvando Katerina
Embora nunca tenha pensado em si mesmo como um cavaleiro de armadura, o homem de negócios da Era Vitoriana Christopher sempre se preocupou muito com o bem estar de seus conterrâneos. Então quando sua …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: Vacanza sugli altipiani
Garden City, Kansas, 1888. Una piccola città dell’Ovest riceve un regalo di Natale anticipato: un nuovo pastore per la chiesa. È giovane, bello e celibe. Ma per l’organista Kristina Heitschmidt, il R …
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Simone Beaudelaire: Quando a Música Termina
Qual é o som de um coração partido? Como um amor predestinado vai de uma nota agradável a uma sinfonia apaixonada? Erin James ama duas coisas na vida: seu oboé e a melhor amiga Sheridan. Contudo, é o …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: The Watcher – Nah Bei Dir
Die Gedankenleserin Selene Johansen ist die perfekte Ermittlerin. Mit dem ersten Handschlag ist sie in der Lage, die Schuld eines Verdächtigen zu erkennen. Doch während ihr Talent für das Aufspüren v …
tiếng Đức
Simone Beaudelaire: Vigiando a observadora
A psíquica Selene Johansen é uma excelente policial investigativa, capaz de determinar culpa através do primeiro aperto de mão. Enquanto seu talento pela busca dos fatos a mantém ocupada, sua vida pe …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: When The Music Ends
How does a fated love rise from a pleasant note to a passionate symphony? Budding musician Erin James knows all too well the noise of neglect and tragedy, and that her infatuation with her best frien …
Simone Beaudelaire: When The Words Are Spoken
After years of waiting, English instructor Sheridan Murphy is fed up with waiting for her former professor, Dr. Michael Burke, to bring an end to their unrequited longing. She finally takes initiativ …
Simone Beaudelaire: When The Heart Heals
High school love isn’t meant to last forever… is it? Drew truly loved Alyssa, the poor girl from the other side of the tracks. But his dream of becoming a surgeon took him away from her and he had …
Simone Beaudelaire: Caroline’s Choice
Years past her thirtieth birthday, English professor Caroline Jones’s biological clock isn’t just ticking, it’s screaming. With her boyfriend dragging his feet, Caroline’s attempt at an ultimatum sha …
Simone Beaudelaire: Love On The High Plains Collection
All four Love On The High Plains romance novels by Simone Beaudelaire, now available in one volume! High Plains Holiday : Kansas, 1888. A small Western town receives an early Christmas present: a you …
Simone Beaudelaire: The Victorians Collection
All three historical romance novels in Simone Beaudelaire’s ‘The Victorians’ series, now available in one volume! Keeping Katerina : The 1840s is a time of increasing social awareness, particula …
Simone Beaudelaire: Instantly Enchanted
A collection of three contemporary romance novels by Simone Beaudelaire, now in one volume! Baylee Breaking : After a bitter divorce from his childhood sweetheart, Chase moves halfway across Texas in …
Simone Beaudelaire: Flights Of Passion
A collection of four paranormal romance novels by author Simone Beaudelaire, now in one volume! Please note that the books in this collection contain graphic sex scenes and are not suitable for reade …
Simone Beaudelaire: Hearts In Winter Collection
All four books in ‘Hearts In Winter’, a series of contemporary romance novels by Simone Beaudelaire, now in one volume! When The Music Ends : Budding musician Erin James knows all too well the noise …
Simone Beaudelaire: Ardore Polare
Il mutaforma Russell Tadzea, capace di trasformarsi in orso, è soddisfatto della sua vita piuttosto isolata in una piccola città dell’Alaska centrale. Ha degli amici, un lavoro e una relazione cordia …
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Simone Beaudelaire: Il Custode
La sensitiva Selene Johansen è un’eccellente poliziotta, capace di capire chi è colpevole fin dalla prima stretta di mano. Mentre il suo talento per lo scoprire i fatti la tiene impegnata, la sua vit …
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Simone Beaudelaire: Il Fuoco Del Diavolo
Texas, 1885. All’indomani di un incendio mortale, il dottor Gavin Morris, pronto a prestare aiuto ai pochi sopravvissuti, si imbatte in qualcuno che non si aspetta. La medium Annabelle Smith è arriva …
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Simone Beaudelaire: Life Is A Highway
It’s 1975 and the recession is waning, but for the small town of Beulah, Illinois, life will never be the same. An industrial accident has claimed the lives of five workers, leaving their wives and c …
داميان كيون: البوذية
تعود جذور البوذية إلى أكثر من ألفي عام مضت في الهند، لتنطلق من هناك في رحلة امتداد عبر آسيا والعالم بأسره، وهو ما يستكشفه داميان كيون في هذا الإصدار المثير من سلسلة ‘مشاهدات أدبية’. يقدم كيون رؤية شا …
tiếng Ả Rập
Simone Beaudelaire: Autobahn Leben
Es ist 1975 und die Rezession tobt. Für die Kleinstadt Beulah, Illinois, wird das Leben nie mehr dasselbe sein. Ein Unfall in einer Fabrik hat fünf Arbeiter getötet, ihre Frauen und Kinder sind …
tiếng Đức
Simone Beaudelaire: The Key To Eternity
From the moment she arrives in California, architect Lia knows her working trip to the west coast is a disaster. The company that hired her seems determined to discredit both her work and her profess …
Simone Beaudelaire: Fanning The Flame
A year has passed since the fire that nearly ended Elisa’s life, and her physical healing has been nothing short of miraculous. Her spirit, however, remains troubled. Adding PTSD to a lifetime of tra …
Simone Beaudelaire: A vida é uma estrada
1975. A recessão está acabando, mas para a pequena cidade de Beulah, Illinois, a vida nunca será a mesma. Um acidente industrial ceivou a vida de cinco trabalhadores, deixando suas viúvas e filhos co …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: Calor blanco
El metamórfico a oso polar Russell es feliz con su vida aislada en un pequeño pueblo de Alaska. Eso es, hasta la llegada de una profesora de guardería de los 48 estados que hace pedazos el cómodo mun …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: La Vida Es Una Carretera
Es 1975 y la recesión está menguando, pero para la pequeña ciudad de Beulah, Illinois, la vida nunca volverá a ser la misma. Un accidente industrial se ha cobrado la vida de cinco trabajadores, dejan …
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Simone Beaudelaire: Katerina io ti salverò
Pur non essendosi mai considerato un paladino degli infelici, il giovane industriale del periodo vittoriano Christopher ha sempre avuto molto a cuore il benessere dei suoi conterranei. Così, quando s …
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Simone Beaudelaire: Si Tu M’Aimes – Se Você Me Amar
“Não deveríamos nos apresentar antes de nos separamos?” Com essas palavras, a estudante americana Breanne Smith conseguiu atrair Nicolas Brassard, um banqueiro francês. Através da tragédia, desgosto …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: Llave a la eternidad
Desde el momento en que llega a California, la arquitecta Lía sabe que su viaje de trabajo a la costa oeste es un desastre. La compañía que la contrató parece decidida a desacreditar tanto su trabajo …
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Simone Beaudelaire & Diana Rubino: Lovescape
A collection of three historical romance novels by Simone Beaudelaire, Diana Rubino & Lorna Read, now available in one volume! Beautiful Rose : Jilted by his loved one, Spanish landowner Don Vidal Sa …
Simone Beaudelaire: La Sorellanza Della Paura
Qualcosa di terribile e spaventoso sta accadendo nel campus della St. Aggie’s University. Le ragazze si risvegliano con ferite inspiegabili – o spariscono all’improvviso. Olivia e la sua compagna di …
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Simone Beaudelaire: Il Bacio del Nefilim
Un angelo che ama una demone: sarà una storia d’amore che durerà attraverso i secoli… o rappresenterà la fine del mondo? La Succuba Sarahi vive un’esistenza squallida. Nutrirsi della lussuria degli u …
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Simone Beaudelaire: The Shattered Line
A legacy of violence. An inescapable destiny. Psychic journalist Jack Landry is living his best life. He has a great job as a travel writer, a satisfying relationship with his business associate Brit …
Simone Beaudelaire: Il Fuoco Del Diavolo
Texas, 1885. All’indomani di un incendio mortale, il dottor Gavin Morris, pronto a prestare aiuto ai pochi sopravvissuti, si imbatte in qualcuno che non si aspetta. La medium Annabelle Smith è arriva …
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Simone Beaudelaire: Festtage in der hohen Prärie
Garden City, Kansas, 1888. Eine kleine Stadt im Westen erhält ein frühes Weihnachstgeschenk: einen neuen Pastor für die Kirche. Er ist jung, gutaussehend und alleinstehend. Aber für Kirchenorganistin …
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Simone Beaudelaire: Second Skin
Elisa Monroe’s controlling husband Alex declares it’s time for them to buy a house and start a family, but Elisa doesn’t want either. He manipulates her into buying the house anyway, and she realizes …
Simone Beaudelaire: Sisterhood of Fear
When a place of safety becomes a deadly trap, how can you escape? Part I: Sisterhood of Fear: For roommates Olivia and Taylor, college dreams are quickly becoming a nightmare of missing memories and …
Simone Beaudelaire: Rising from Ashes
After two years as a couple, shifters Luke and Elisa are ready to move their relationship forward by becoming engaged. But their joy is cut short when Elisa’s husband pops up, not dead and furious at …
Simone Beaudelaire: Norteño Nights
Reeling from a series of betrayals, attorney Janelle Richards abandons her life in Minnesota to take a new job on the Texas/Mexico border. Though the culture shock is intense, the new community seems …
Simone Beaudelaire: The Maricopa County Shifters – Books 1-3
Simone Beaudelaire’s Maricopa County Shifters complete series, now available in one volume! Second Skin : Elisa Monroe wants to leave her cruel, manipulative husband, but doesn’t know how. With suppo …
Simone Beaudelaire: Instantly Enchanted: A Contemporary Romance Novel Collection
Simone Beaudelaire: Victorians Collection: The Complete Victorian Romance Series
Simone Beaudelaire: Fanning The Flame
A year has passed since the fire that nearly ended Elisa’s life, and her physical healing has been nothing short of miraculous. Her spirit, however, remains troubled. Adding PTSD to a lifetime of tra …
Simone Beaudelaire: You Within Me
For adventurous steel heiress Violet Warren, life is satisfactory but not truly satisfying. It’s the wake of World War I, and although she has some friends and a mysterious book to keep her company, …
Simone Beaudelaire: Vigiando a observadora
A psíquica Selene Johansen é uma excelente policial investigativa, capaz de determinar culpa através do primeiro aperto de mão. Enquanto seu talento pela busca dos fatos a mantém ocupada, sua vida pe …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Simone Beaudelaire: Quando a Música Termina
Qual é o som de um coração partido? Como um amor predestinado vai de uma nota agradável a uma sinfonia apaixonada? Erin James ama duas coisas na vida: seu oboé e a melhor amiga Sheridan. Contudo, é o …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha