DIe Autoren und Autorinnen des Bandes sind die führenden deutschsprachigen Experten der Wohlfahrtspolitikforschung.
9 Ebooks bởi Stefan Traub
Ulrich U. Schmidt & Stefan Traub: Advances in Public Economics: Utility, Choice and Welfare
This Festschrift in honor of Christian Seidl combines a group of prominent authors who are experts in areas like public economics, welfare economic, decision theory, and experimental economics in a u …
Marius Busemeyer & Bernhard Ebbinghaus: Wohlfahrtspolitik im 21. Jahrhundert
In der OECD-Welt wird etwa ein Viertel des gesamten Bruttoinlandsprodukts und knapp die Hälfte der Staatsausgaben für den Sozialstaat, also die Sicherung gegen zentrale Lebensrisiken, verwendet. Deut …
tiếng Đức
Christian Seidl & Kirill Pogorelskiy: Tax Progression in OECD Countries
This is the first book that performs international and intertemporal comparisons of uniform tax progression with empirical data. While conventional measures of tax progression suffer from serious di …
Herbert Obinger & Carina Schmitt: Political Economy of Privatization in Rich Democracies
Almost all advanced democracies have launched significant privatization programs over the last three decades. However, while there was a global run into privatization, substantial cross-national diff …
Stefan Traub: Framing Effects in Taxation
On October 24th, 1994, the pro-government German newspaper ‘Die Welt’ reported that the Minister of Family Affairs, Mrs. Hannelore Ransch, member of the ruling Christian Democratic Union (CD U), with …
Stefan Traub & Bernhard Kittel: Need-Based Distributive Justice
This book explores the foundations and potential of a theory of need-based distributive justice, supported by experimental evidence. The core idea is that need-based distributive justice may have som …
Martin Nonhoff & Sebastian Haunss: Gesellschaft und Politik verstehen
Der vorliegende Band »Gesellschaft und Politik verstehen – Frank Nullmeier zum 65. Geburtstag« ehrt nicht nur einen der bedeutendsten deutschen Politikwissenschaftler der Gegenwart und erlaubt Einbli …
tiếng Đức
Bernhard Kittel & Stefan Traub: Priority of Needs?
This book develops an empirically informed normative theory of need-based justice, summarizing core findings of the DFG research group FOR2104 “Need-based Justice and Distributive Procedures”. …