Alexander D. Ornella is a lecturer in Religion at the School of Social Sciences at University of Hull (UK). He holds a Ph D in Catholic Theology from the University of Graz (Austria). His research interests include religion and popular culture/media/film, religion and body/technology, science fiction, transhumanism. His latest research project evolves around religion and Cross Fit, which brands itself as “the sport of fitness” and emphasizes community building. He is part of the research group Commun(icat)ing Bodies ( and the International Exchange on Media and Religion (
26 Ebooks bởi Stefanie Knauss
Stefanie Knauss & Alexander Darius Ornella: Fascinatingly Disturbing
Michael Haneke is one of Europe’s most successful and controversial film directors. Awarded the Palme d’Or and numerous other international awards, Haneke has contributed to and shaped contemporary a …
Stefanie Knauss: More than a Provocation
Sex, Media and theology – a provocative mix. Reactions can vary from rejection to openness and curiosity. This volume follows the latter path: on the background of changes in contemporary sexual cult …
Carl Petter Opsahl: Dance To My Ministry
Hip-hop is a deeply spiritual culture, a culture that since its beginnings has provided urban youth all over the world with a sense of place, being and direction, with knowledge of self and knowledge …
Hans-Joachim Sander & Kaspar Villadsen: The Spaces of Others – Heterotopic Spaces
In the present situation in the world, values of tolerance, compassion and hospitality appear to be more contested. The debates among European leaders have come to center around how to ‘protect us’ f …
Carla Danani & Ugo Perone: Die Irritation der Religion
Der vorliegende Band geht jener Irritation der Religion nach, die stets ein elementares und konstituierendes Moment der Kultur geblieben ist, obwohl sie in der Moderne neue Formen angenommen hat. Das …
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Alexander Darius Ornella & Stefanie Knauss: Commun(icat)ing Bodies
Als Basismedium der menschlichen Interaktion ist der Körper wesentlich für sozio-kulturelle Kommunikationssysteme, insbesondere für das Kommunikationssystem ‘Religion’. Der Band untersucht dieses Sys …
Carsten Schuerhoff: Verortet: Kirche und Liturgie im Wandel
Menschen machen mit verschiedenen Formangeboten der Kirche vielfältige Erfahrungen. Die Analyse dieser unterschiedlichen Erfahrungen wird durch die Beschäftigung mit einer empirisch orientierten Litu …
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Trygve Wyller & Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati: Religion and Difference
In democracies of advanced plurality, religion is a contested and powerful part of public discussions and practices. Today, religious difference is articulated and negotiated controversially in inter …
Stephen J. Hamilton: ‘Born Again’: A Portrait and Analysis of the Doctrine of Regeneration within Evangelical Protestantism
Stephen J. Hamilton attempts to create a ‘portrait’ of ‘born-again’ Christianity by providing a general introduction to the doctrine of regeneration, including its development in modernity, as well a …
Bengt Kristensson Uggla & Niels Henrik Gregersen: Reformation Theology for a Post-Secular Age: Løgstrup, Prenter, Wingren, and the Future of Scandinavian Creation Theology
The movement of Scandinavian Creation Theology was shaped by its three founding figures: the philosopher K.E Løgstrup, and the systematic theologians Regin Prenter, and Gustaf Wingren. In their appea …
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Judith Gruber: Intercultural Theology
Recent years have seen a paradigm shift in Christian self-understanding. In place of the eurocentric model of »Christendom«, a new understanding is emerging of Christianity as a world movement with c …
Uta Poplutz & Irmtraud Fischer: Sexualität
Obwohl wir schon seit längerem in einer Zeit und Gesellschaft leben, die in bestimmten Bereichen – wie etwa der Werbung – als stark ‘sexualisiert’ bezeichnet werden kann, spielte die wissenschaftlich …
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Benedikt Bauer & Kristina Göthling-Zimpel: Opening Pandora’s Box
Die aktuellen öffentlichen Debatten zeigen, wie explosiv die Wechselwirkung zwischen Religion und Geschlecht sein kann. Im vorliegenden Band wird dieser Wechselwirkung anhand von Überblickstexten und …
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Heike Walz: Dance as Third Space
Dance plays an important role in many religious traditions, in rites of passage, processions, healing rituals or festivals. But it is also controversial, especially in Christianity. Colonial European …
Antonio Autiero & Virginia Raquel Azcuy: La Iglesia del futuro
La Iglesia no puede contentarse con perpetuarse como un sistema rígido, fijado de una manera definitiva. Debe encontrar sin cesar en Aquel que la funda y en conversación con los mundos en los que se …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Stefanie Knauss & Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez: Teologías ‘queer’: El cuerpo ‘queer’ de Cristo
Las teologías queer se inspiran en el análisis crítico de la teoría queer, que emergió a finales del siglo XX a partir de las experiencias de sujetos y subjetividades que son marginadas por su sexual …
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Susan Abraham & Geraldo de Mori: Masculinidades: desafíos teológicos y religiosos
En la situación política actual es importante reflexionar sobre las masculinidades, basándose en los recursos propios de la teología: los hombres fuertes dominan la escena política; los movimientos # …
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Susan Abraham & Geraldo de Mori: Animales y teologías
Los artículos de este número se adentran en la necesaria reconsideración que se está produciendo en el pensamiento actual (también en el teológico) sobre las relaciones entre los animales humanos y l …
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Stephen Burns & Rebekah Pryor: Feminist Theologies
This assemblage of feminist theologies represents a series of vital entanglements. Chapters are written from different cultures, geographies and discourses and brought together around themes as speci …
Tarald Rasmussen & Vegard Ree Ytterbøe: Protestantism and Protestantization
The authors presented in this volume deal with important cases of Protestantization of religion or of debates on religion. One chapter deals with Protestant formatting of contemporary Islam, another …
Eckhard Zemmrich: Wahrheit in Begegnung
Die Studie zielt auf ein besseres Verständnis von Wandlungen und Grenzen religiöser Identitätskonstruktionen in interkulturellen Austauschprozessen. Dafür wird in drei evangelischen, indonesischen Ki …
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Anna-Katharina Hopflinger & Stefanie Knauss: Commun(icat)ing Bodies
As a basic medium of human interaction, the body is fundamental to socio-cultural communication systems, in particular the communication system of religion. This innovative and ground-breaking volume …
Anna-Katharina Hopflinger & Stefanie Knauss: Commun(icat)ing Bodies
As a basic medium of human interaction, the body is fundamental to socio-cultural communication systems, in particular the communication system of religion. This innovative and ground-breaking volume …
Stefanie Knauss & Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati: Religion in Representations of Europe
Was ist dieses Projekt, das man Europa nennt? Wie werden Ideen von Europa dargestellt? Woran denkt man, wenn man von Religion in Repräsentation von Europa spricht? Und wie formt Religion diese Imagin …
Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati & Christopher Rowland: Approaches to the Visual in Religion
The authors of this volume investigate the analysis of visual sources and their indispensable role for understanding and interpreting religions, their symbol systems, and the wider traditions of whic …
Stefanie Knauss & Gusztáv Kovács: La danza como arte de resistencia: reflexiones culturales y teológicas
Este número de Concilium explora la danza como una práctica universal que trasciende culturas, épocas e incluso especies, y que conecta a los individuos con su entorno y consigo mismos a través del m …
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