Problematizes traditional ethnographic research methods, offering instead self-reflexive critical practices.
These provocative new essays redefine the goals, methods, and assumptions of qualitative and ethnographic research in composition studies, making evident not only the crucial importance of ethnographic research, but also its resilience. As Ethnography Unbound makes evident, critical ethnographers are retheorizing their methodologies in ways that both redefine ethnographic practices and values and, at the same time, have begun to liberate ethnographic practices from the often-disabling stronghold of postmodern critique. Showing how ethnography works through dialogic processes and moves toward political ends, this collection opens the doors to rethinking ethnographic research in composition studies.
Mục lục
1. Introduction. New Writers of the Cultural Sage: From Postmodern Theory Shock to Critical Praxis
Stephen Gilbert Brown and Sidney I. Dobrin
I. Theoretical and Rhetorical Perspectives
2. Critical Ethnography, Ethics, and Work: Rearticulating Labor
Bruce Horner
3. Mediating Materiality and Discursivity: Critical Ethnography as Metageneric Learning
Mary Jo Reiff
4. The Ethnographic Experience of Postmodern Literacies
Christopher Schroeder
5. Shifting Figures: Rhetorical Ethnography
Gwen Gorzelsky
6. Writing Program Redesign: Learning from Ethnographic Inquiry, Civic Rhetoric, and the History of Rhetorical Education
Lynée Lewis Gaillet
II. Place-Conscious Ethnographies: Situating Praxis in the Field
7. Open to Change: Ethos, Identification, and Critical Ethnography in Composition Studies
Robert Brooke and Charlotte Hogg
8. State Standards in the United States and the National Curriculum in the United Kingdom: Political Siege Engines against Teacher Professionalism?
John Sylvester Lofty
9. Debating Ecology: Ethnographic Writing that ‘Makes a Difference’
Sharon Mc Kenzie Stevens
III. The Nomadic Self: Reorganizing the Self in the Field
10. Critical Auto/Ethnography: A Constructive Approach to Research in the Composition Classroom
Susan S. Hanson
11. Unsituating the Subject: ‘Locating’ Composition and Ethnography in Mobile Worlds
Christopher Keller
12. Protean Subjectivities: Qualitative Research and the Inclusion of the Personal
Janet Alsup
IV. Ethnographies of Cultural Change
13. Changing Directions: Participatory-Action Research, Agency, and Representation
Bronwyn T. Williams and Mary Brydon-Miller
14. Just What Are We Talking About? Disciplinary Struggle and the Ethnographic Imaginary
Lance Massey
V. Texts and (Con)Texts: Intertextual Voices
15. The Ethics of Reading Critical Ethnography
Min-Zhan Lu
16. Beyond Theory Shock: Ethos, Knowledge, and Power in Critical Ethnography
Stephen Gilbert Brown
List of Contributors
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Sidney I. Dobrin is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Kansas, Lawrence. With Gary A. Olson, he co-edited Composition Theory for the Postmodern Classroom, published by SUNY Press, and is co-editor of JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory.