Tác giả: Steve T. Suess

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2 Ebooks bởi Steve T. Suess

A. Balogh & Louis J. Lanzerotti: The Heliosphere through the Solar Activity Cycle
Understanding how the Sun changes though its 11-year sunspot cycle and how these changes affect the vast space around the Sun – the heliosphere – has been one of the principal objectives of space res …
Giannina Poletto & Steve T. Suess: Sun and the Heliopsphere as an Integrated System
9 MHDTurbulence in the Heliosphere: Evolution and Intermittency 253 Bruno Bavassano, Roberto Bruno and Vincenzo Carbone 1 Introduction 254 2 MHD Turbulence Evolution 255 2. 1 Ecliptic Turbulence 256 …