Tác giả: Susan Napier

Ủng hộ
Eigentlich hätte Melanie Milburne ja für ein High-School-Examen lernen müssen, doch dann fiel ihr ihr erster Liebesroman in die Hände. Damals – sie war siebzehn – stand für sie fest: Sie würde weiterhin romantische Romane lesen – und einen Mann heiraten, der ebenso attraktiv war wie die Helden der Romances. Und tatsächlich: Sie liest nicht nur Liebesromane, sie schreibt sogar selbst welche. Und ihr ganz persönlicher Held? In den verliebte sie sich schon nach der zweiten Verabredung, und bereits sechs Wochen später war sie heimlich mit ihm verlobt. Damit ihr Mann sein Medizinstudium beenden konnte, zogen sie nach Schottland. Nach der Geburt ihres zweiten Sohnes wählten sie Tasmanien, diese wunderschöne Insel vor der Küste Australiens, als ihren Wohnsitz. Als ihre beiden Jungs eingeschult wurden, setzte sie ihr Pädagogik-Studium fort und machte ihren Universitätsabschluss. Zu einer ihrer letzten Prüfungen gehörte ein Vortrag über literarische Theorien mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Bereich Liebesromane. Gerade las sie in dem Klassenzimmer, das sie mit Herzen und Rosen dekoriert hatte, einen Absatz aus einem romantischen Roman vor, da flog die Tür auf, und sie traute ihren Augen nicht: Vor ihr stand ihr Mann, von dem ich annahm, dass er zu dieser Stunde im Arztkittel im OP stehen würde, im Smoking. Ihre Blicke trafen sich, dann kam er zu ihr, riss sie in seine Arme, küsste sie leidenschaftlich und verließ wortlos den Raum. Ihr Professor gab ihr eine gute Note, und ihre Mitstudentinnen sahen sie eifersüchtig an. Nun versteht jeder, dass es ihr Schicksal ist, Liebesromane zu schreiben. Doch sie hat noch eine zweite Leidenschaft: Sport. Und zwar sowohl Langstreckenlauf als auch Schwimmen. In dieser Disziplin hält sie sogar einige Rekorde, und das, obwohl sie erst als Erwachsene schwimmen gelernt hat. Ein Tipp von Melanie: Sie sehen also, ein Versuch lohnt sich. Auch wenn Sie glauben, etwas nicht zu können, versuchen Sie es einfach! Sagen Sie niemals: Das kann ich nicht. Sagen Sie: Ich kann es versuchen. Und nun wünsche ich Ihnen, dass Sie ebenso viel Spaß beim Lesen meiner Romane haben wie ich, wenn ich sie schreibe.

49 Ebooks bởi Susan Napier

Susan Napier: Geständnis am Meer
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Susan Napier: Inselfieber
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Susan Napier: Fantastic in Modern Japanese Literature
Modern Japan’s repressed anxieties, fears and hopes come to the surface in the fantastic. A close analysis of fantasy fiction, film and comics reveals the ambivalence felt by many Japanese towards th …
Napier Susan Napier: Miyazakiworld
The story of filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki's life and work, including his significant impact on Japan and the world—"an essential work in anime scholarship.” (Angelica Frey, Hyperalle …
Susan Napier: The Fantastic in Modern Japanese Literature
Modern Japan”s repressed anxieties, fears and hopes come to the surface in the fantastic. A close analysis of fantasy fiction, film and comics reveals the ambivalence felt by many Japanese towards t …
Susan Napier: The Fantastic in Modern Japanese Literature
Modern Japan”s repressed anxieties, fears and hopes come to the surface in the fantastic. A close analysis of fantasy fiction, film and comics reveals the ambivalence felt by many Japanese towards t …
Susan Napier: Vendetta
Part of the Mills & Boon 100th Birthday Collection After an accident for which millionaire Nicholas Thorne was blamed, he plans to keep Vivian a prisoner in revenge, luring her onto his private islan …
Maggie Cox & Sarah Morgan: Temporary Mistress
Mistress for a Weekend by Susan Napier Tall, dark tycoon Blake normally prefers sophisticated blondes that don’t require too much of his brainpower. But feisty Nora’s a challenge, especially when she …
Susan Napier & Kay Thorpe: From Mistresses To Wives?
Mistress to a Bachelor On holiday in Majorca, waking from an erotic dream, Jessica is shocked to find herself intimately entwined with a delicious stranger! Zac is also surprised to find a strange wo …
Katherine Garbera & Kelly Hunter: Mistresses: Bound with Gold / Bought with Emeralds
Includes The Revenge Affiar by Susan Napier, The Frenchman’s Mistress by Kathryn Ross, Priceless by Kelly Hunter, Emerald Fire by Sandra marton, Mistress Minded by Katherine Garbera and The Wife Sedu …
Susan Napier: In Bed With The Boss
For three years, Kalera has been a model secretary to Duncan Royal, with only one hiccup in their otherwise perfect relationship: a one-night stand that should never have happened, and which both hav …
Susan Napier: Mistress Deception
When Rachel offered to help Matthew Riordan undress after a party, her intentions were purely innocent. She’d been trying to avoid a scandal-instead she found herself being blackmailed! Yet Matthew o …
Susan Napier: Secret Seduction
Nina knew she’d lost her memory-because when she met Ryan Flint he clearly recognized her, but Nina had no idea who he was.Had they once been lovers? Ryan was obviously hiding something. He seemed an …
Susan Napier: Passionate Proposition
Scott Tyler might want a red-hot affair with Anya Adams-but that doesn’t mean he likes her.On the contrary, he’s managed to get her suspended from her brand-new job! Realizing he’s gone too far, Scot …
Susan Napier: Mistress For A Weekend
Nora Lang needs the most dangerous man she can find! Enter tycoon Blake Mac Leod. He normally prefers sophisticated blondes that don’t require too much of his brainpower. But Nora’s a challenge…the …
Susan Napier: Just Once
Kate had learned certain lessons as Drake Daniels’s lover: Lesson number one: the price of loving Drake was not to love him.Lesson number two: never give him what he expected.Discovering she was preg …
Susan Napier: Phantom Lover
Love and Honor Honor Sheldon had been amused, enchanted, intrigued… and yes, seduced by the letters from her mysterious paramour. She had responded in kind, crafting messages of consummate passion …
Susan Napier: Savage Courtship
Who’s Been Sleeping In His Bed? "I can’t deny that it’s a common male fantasy to be seduced by a beautiful stranger who conveniently vanishes afterwards… ." Vanessa could kick herself! It …
Susan Napier: Sister Swap
Dangerous Liaisons Too Close for Comfort!Anne: it was a daring deception, but she always put her family first. Her sister desperately needed some time alone and Anne would at last have the chance to …
Susan Napier: Lesson In Seduction
Was he a shy guy… or playboy?They met at the airport. He wore a suit and carried a briefcase. He seemed quiet, a little shy. Definitely not the type to flirt with a fellow passenger – even if she w …
Susan Napier: Mistress Of The Groom
Have you heard the latest? Don’t tell anyone but… The groom was having an affair – with his bride’s best friend! Jane had been desperate to stop the wedding. She’d had to prevent her best friend fr …
Susan Napier: Honeymoon Baby
DO NOT Disturb Anything can happen behind closed doors!Jennifer had taken drastic measures to become pregnant, and she was saving every ounce of love she had for her baby. There was no room in her li …
Susan Napier: Amor sem compromisso
Quando Rachel se ofereceu para ajudar Mathew Riordan a despir-se, as suas intenções eram totalmente inocentes. Só tinha tentado evitar um escândalo… e em troca estava a ser vítima de uma chantagem! …
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Susan Napier: Sedução por vingança
Joshua Wade estava convencido de que Regan planeava estragar-lhe o casamento. Se assim não fosse, porque é que tinha acedido a organizá-lo, quando era evidente que lhe tinha rancor? Ela tinha que adm …
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Susan Napier: Unsere Insel der Liebe
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Susan Napier: Proposta apaixonada
Talvez Scott Tyler quisesse ter um apaixonado encontro sexual com Anya Adams, mas isso não queria dizer que lhe agradasse. De facto, tinha feito com que a despedissem do seu novo emprego. Ao apercebe …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Susan Napier: Amor sin compromiso
Cuando Rachel se ofreció a ayudar a Matthew Riordan a desvestirse, sus intenciones eran totalmente inocentes. Solo había intentado evitar un escándalo… ¡y a cambio estaba siendo víctima de un chant …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Susan Napier: Proposición apasionada
Quizás Scott Tyler quisiera tener un apasionado encuentro sexual con Anya Adams, pero eso no quería decir que le cayera bien. De hecho, se las había arreglado para que la despidieran de su nuevo empl …
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Susan Napier: Destino marcado
Jennifer tinha tomado medidas drásticas para engravidar e estava a guardar todo o seu amor para o bebé que esperava. Não havia lugar na sua vida para o casamento. Porém, o pai do seu filho decidiu ap …
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Susan Napier: Caricias inolvidables
Nina sabía que había perdido la memoria, hecho que se confirmó cuando rescató a un desconocido de un temporal y él pareció reconocerla. Sin embargo, Nina no tenía ni idea de quién podía ser él, a pes …
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Susan Napier: Entre a espada e a parede
Kalera era secretária de Duncan Royal e era uma excelente profissional, só havia uma nódoa na sua perfeita relação de trabalho: um deslize numa certa noite, algo que nunca devia ter acontecido e que …
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Susan Napier: Amantes de fim-de-semana
Ela não era o seu tipo, contudo, ainda assim, desejava passar dois dias na cama com ela… Nora Lang precisava de se distrair e esquecer que era demasiado alta, nada atraente e que o homem mais perigos …
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Susan Napier: A amante do noivo
Jane estava determinada a impedir que aquele casamento se realizasse. Tinha que evitar que a sua melhor amiga cometesse o maior erro da sua vida…. Casar com Ryan Blair seria uma tragédia. Ele era m …
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Susan Napier: Campaña de seducción
Hacía ya tres años que Kalera desempeñaba el papel de perfecta secretaria para Duncan Royal; sólo había una mancha en su perfecta relación de trabajo: un desliz que no duró más que una noche, algo qu …
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Susan Napier: Eine Nacht ist nicht genug
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