An easy-to-understand overview of the key concepts of
psychological testing
Fully updated and revised, the second edition of Essentials
of Psychological Testing surveys the basic principles of
psychometrics, succinctly presents the information needed to
understand and evaluate tests, and introduces readers to the major
contemporary reference works in the field.
This engaging, practical overview of the most relevant
psychometric concepts and techniques provides the foundati...
An easy-to-understand overview of the key concepts of
psychological testing
Fully updated and revised, the second edition of Essentials
of Psychological Testing surveys the basic principles of
psychometrics, succinctly presents the information needed to
understand and evaluate tests, and introduces readers to the major
contemporary reference works in the field.
This engaging, practical overview of the most relevant
psychometric concepts and techniques provides the foundation
necessary for advanced study in the field of psychological
assessment. Each clear, well-organized chapter includes new
examples and references, featuring callout boxes highlighting key
concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as
well as ‘Test Yourself’ questions that help gauge and
reinforce readers’ grasp of the information covered. The
author’s extensive experience and deep understanding of the
concepts presented are evident throughout the book, particularly
when readers are reminded that tests are tools and that, like all
tools, they have limitations.
Starting with a basic introduction to psychological tests, their
historical development, and their uses, the book also covers the
statistical procedures most frequently used in testing, the frames
of reference for score interpretation, reliability, validity and
test item considerations, as well as the latest guidelines for test
selection, administration, scoring and reporting test results.
Whether as an orientation for those new to the field, a refresher
for those already acquainted with it, or as reference for seasoned
clinicians, this book is an invaluable resource.
SUSANA URBINA, PHD, is Professor Emeritus of Psychology
at the University of North Florida, where she taught courses in
psychological testing and assessment. A Diplomate of the American
Board of Assessment Psychology and a licensed psychologist, Dr.
Urbina practiced in the field of psychological assessment for over
a decade. She coauthored the seventh edition of Psychological
Testing with Anne Anastasi and has published numerous articles
and reviews in the area of psychological testing.