Tác giả: Swarup Kumar Chakrabarti

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Dr. Pinky Raigond, Scientist, Division of CPB & PHT, ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute has specialized in the area of Plant Physiology. She has significantly contributed in the area of nutritional quality of potatoes, identification/quantification of health promoting compounds in potatoes, development of antioxidant rich, low glycaemic and flavoured potatoes for speciality sector, processing industry waste utilization for development of eco-friendly nanoparticles, disposable biodegradable tableware and biodegradable active packaging films, processing technologies for the entrepreneurs and potato post harvest management. Her research work is published in high impact journals. She is recipient of ‘Young Achievers’ Award’ and Young Woman Scientist Award. Dr. Brajesh Singh, Principal Scientist & Head, Division of CPB & PHT, ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute has specialized in the area of Plant Physiology. He has made significant contribution in the area of development and refinement of potato storage technologies at farm and cold store level; processing technologies for the entrepreneurs; establishing the quality and nutritional laboratory; and development of protocols for nutritional profiling of potatoes. He is recipient of Associateship of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences and HSI-Dr. JC Anand Gold Medal for his work on Post-Harvest Technology. He is the Fellow of Indian Society for Plant Physiology, New Delhi; The Indian Academy of Horticultural Sciences, New Delhi; and Indian Potato Association, Shimla. Dr. Som Dutt,  Principal Scientist, Division of CPB&PHT, ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute, has specialized in the area of Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. During 2002 – 2014 he worked at CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology as Scients/Senior Scientist. He has made signigficant contribution in the aere of  developmental biology of potato and  important medicinal plants. He was awarded Junior Research Fellowship by ICAR during M.Sc; and Junior Research Fellowship/Senior Research Fellowship by CSIR during Ph.D.  He was awarded one year Rothamsted International Fellowship for the year 2003-2004 by Rothamsted Internationals, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, United Kingdom. He has published research work in high impact factor journals and has been associated with development of important technologies which have been granted international patents. Dr. Swarup Kumar Chakrabarti,  Former Director, ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla and ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram has specialization in the area of genomics, molecular biology, and disease diagnostics. He made significant contribution in the area of potato structural and functional genomics, linkage mapping, marker assisted selection; development of transgenics; and plant disease diagnosis. He is the recipient of Shri L.C. Sikka Endowment Award of NAAS, Dr. S. Ramanujam Award of ICAR-CPRI, IPA-Kaushalaya Sikka Memorial Award, Biotechnology Overseas Associateship DBT, Dr. J.P. Verma Memorial Award, Indian Phytopathological Society and many others. He is the Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi; Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi; Indian Potato Association, Shimla; and Confederation of Horticultural Associations of India, New Delhi. 

4 Ebooks bởi Swarup Kumar Chakrabarti

Swarup Kumar Chakrabarti & Conghua Xie: The Potato Genome
This book describes the historical importance of potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.), potato genetic resources and stocks (including S. tuberosum group Phureja DM1-3 516 R44, a unique doubled monoploid ho …
Pinky Raigond & Brajesh Singh: Potato
This informative book focuses on the nutritional value of potatoes and ways to improve it. With the world reeling under the burden of an ever-growing population, there is a pressing need for affordab …
Swarup Kumar Chakrabarti & Sanjeev Sharma: Sustainable Management of Potato Pests and Diseases
This book covers the important diseases and pests of potato which are of global significance. The pests and diseases in potato lead to huge economic losses by reducing the yield and quality of the pr …
Vinay Bhardwaj: Potato In Sub-tropics (A Saga of Success)
‘Life Science” is a branch of science, under which we study about the living beings in detail. We study about the body structure; all the organs of the body and their functions. The body consists of …