Tác giả: Sylvain Auroux

Ủng hộ
Sylvain Auroux is Professor at the ENS Lettres et Sciences Humaines, University of Lyon (France).E.F.K. Koerner is Professor at the Centre for General Linguistics, Typology and Universals Research (ZAS), Berlin (Germany)Hans-J. Niederehe is Professor Emeritus for Romance Philology of the University of Trier (Germany).Kees Versteegh is Professor at the Institute of the Middle East of the University of Nijmegen (Nederlands)

4 Ebooks bởi Sylvain Auroux

Sylvain Auroux & E.F.K. Koerner: History of the Language Sciences / Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaften / Histoire des sciences du langage. 3. Teilband
No detailed description available for ‘HIST LANGUAGE SCIENCES (KOERNER) 3.TLBD HSK 18.3 E-BOOK’. Das E-Book History of the Language Sciences / Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaften / Histoire des scien …
Sylvain Auroux & E.F.K. Koerner: History of the Language Sciences / Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaften / Histoire des sciences du langage. 1. Teilband
No detailed description available for ‘HIST LANGUAGE SCIENCES (KOERNER) 1.TLBD HSK 18.1 E-BOOK’. Das E-Book History of the Language Sciences / Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaften / Histoire des scien …
Sylvain Auroux & E.F.K. Koerner: History of the Language Sciences / Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaften / Histoire des sciences du langage. 2. Teilband
Volume 2 treats, in great detail and, at times quite innovatively, the individual stages of development of the study of language as an autonomous discipline, from the growing awareness in 17th and 18 …
Sylvain Auroux & Barbara Kaltz: Analyse, Expérience. Cosmopolite, Cosmopolitisme. Démocratie, Démocrates
Ca. 30 Hefte (Band 10 der Reihe ‘Ancien Régime, Aufklärung und Revolution) Das E-Book Analyse, Expérience. Cosmopolite, Cosmopolitisme. Démocratie, Démocrates wird angeboten von De Gruyter und wurde …
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