Tác giả: T. Peters

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4 Ebooks bởi T. Peters

W. Balderer & Roland U Gautschi: Applied Isotope Hydrogeology
In 1980, Nagra, the Swiss National Cooperative for the Storage of Radioactive Waste, began a comprehensive field investigation programme to assess the feasibility and safety of a repository for the f …
Bert.P.M. Creemers & Ton Peters: School Effectiveness and School Improvement
School effectiveness and school improvement have different origins: School effectiveness is more directed to finding out ‘what works’ in education and ‘why’; school improvement is practice and policy …
Bert.P.M. Creemers & Ton Peters: School Effectiveness and School Improvement
School effectiveness and school improvement have different origins: School effectiveness is more directed to finding out ‘what works’ in education and ‘why’; school improvement is practice and policy …
T. Peters: Die Weimarer Republik als geschichtspolitisches Argument in der Frühphase der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1945-1959
Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich Geschichte – Sonstiges, Note: 1.0, Universität Osnabrück, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Wie sind die Bezugnahmen auf die Weimarer Republik – auch hundert J …
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