Tamás Kiss is Research Fellow, Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Romania.
István Gergő Székely is Research Fellow, Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Romania.
Tibor Toró is Assistant Professor at Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania and Researcher at the Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Romania.
Nándor Bárdi is Head of Research Department and Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Minority Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary.
István Horváth is President, Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Romania.
8 Ebooks bởi Tamas Kiss
Alan Maley & Tamas Kiss: Creativity and English Language Teaching
This book offers a unique perspective on creativity in an educational environment where there is a relative dearth of literature on this subject. The authors link practice and principle to provide a …
Tamás Kiss & István Gergő Székely: Unequal Accommodation of Minority Rights
This book provides an in-depth multidisciplinary analysis of the major social and political processes affecting Hungarians in Romania after the overthrow of the Communist regime in 1989. The vol …
Nicholas Coureas & Tamas Kiss: Harbour of all this Sea and Realm
The Harbour of All This Sea and Realm offers an overview of the Lusignan, Genoese and Venetian history of the main port city of Cyprus, a Mediterranean crossroads. The essays contribute to the unders …
Tamas Kiss & Tamas Kiss: ‘Past Perfect!’
In 2012, CEU Medieval Radio was launched as an effort not only to bring medieval music to everyone but also to make complex, high-quality scholarship more approachable to the general public. Over sev …
Daniel O’Conor: A történelem koronája
Ez a könyv a béke közelgő és példátlanul dicsőséges aranykoráról szól, amely hamarosan az egész világot érinti (és hogyan segíthetsz abban, hogy ez gyorsan eljöjjön). A példányok megvásárolhatók a ww …
Ngôn ngữ hungarian
Tamas Kiss & Freda Mishan: Developing Intercultural Language Materials
Developing Intercultural Language Materials puts intercultural competence at the forefront of the learning agenda. It unpicks its underlying theory and provides a framework and practical methodologie …
Tamas Kiss & Freda Mishan: Developing Intercultural Language Materials
Developing Intercultural Language Materials puts intercultural competence at the forefront of the learning agenda. It unpicks its underlying theory and provides a framework and practical methodologie …
Tamás Kiss: AI
Um eine lokale Punk Band Ein UFO auf einer Waldlichtung. Und ein filmreifes Finale im Appenzellerland. Die Hauptfigur ist ein 17-jähriger Punker, der sich auf seinem Hof in 9054 Haslen langweilt. Sei …
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