New tools have made it easier to create a podcast. The secondedition of Podcasting For Dummies shows you how you can create anddistribute your own online recordings using tools you already have.This edition also covers what you need to build a top-notchpodcasting studio. Expert podcasters Tee Morris and Evo Terra arejoined on this edition by a fellow podcasting guru, Chuck Tomasi, to walk you through recording, editing, posting, and promoting apodcast. Chapters cover:
* Choosing a topic that fits your expertise
* Writing an outline or script for your podcast
* Turning your existing computer into a desktop podcastingstudio
* Picking the microphone, headphones, and audio editing softwarethat best suit your needs
* Upgrading to pro-level podcasting equipment
* Conducting interviews and recording an interview subjectwho’s not in the room with you
* Navigating the XML code you need to share your podcast
* Finding a place to host your podcast online
* Promoting your podcasts in the blogosphere, online discussiongroups, and social networking sites
* Seeking out sponsors, advertising, and subscriptions to makeyour podcast pay
* Creating podcasts designed to promote a business
Mục lục
Part I: Podcasting on a Worldwide Frequency.
Chapter 1: Get ting the Scoop on Podcasting.
Chapter 2: Get ting the Gadgets That Make a Podcast Go.
Chapter 3: Building Your Podcast’s Digital Workstation.
Part II: The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Podcasting.
Chapter 4: Before You Hit the Record Button.
Chapter 5: Interview-Fu: Talk to Me, Grasshopper.
Chapter 6: So What Are You Waiting For? Record, Already!
Chapter 7: Cleanup, Podcast Aisle 7!
Chapter 8: Roll Camera: Video Podcasting.
Part III: So You’ve Got This Great Recording of Your Voice. Now What?
Chapter 9: Shrink That Puppy and Slap a Label on It.
Chapter 10: Move It on Up (To Your Web Server).
Chapter 11: Providing Show Notes.
Chapter 12: Geeking Out on RSS.
Part IV: Start Spreadin’ the News about Your Podcast.
Chapter 13: Speaking Directly to Your Peeps.
Chapter 14: Fishing for Listeners.
Part V: Pod-sibilities to Consider for Your Show.
Chapter 15: Show Me the Money.
Chapter 16: Podcasting for Publicity.
Chapter 17: Podcasting for Passion.
Part VI: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 18: Top Ten Types of Podcasts to Check Out.
Chapter 19: Top Ten Most Influential People in Podcasting.
Chapter 20: Top Ten Reasons Why Podcasting Won’t Kill Radio.
Chapter 21: Top Ten Reasons Why Podcasting Will Kill (Or Seriously Dent) Radio.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Tee Morris, Chuck Tomasi, and Evo Terra are podcasting pros. Tee shares his sci-fi writings as ‘podiobooks, ‘ Chuck hosts the popular Technorama podcast, and Evo is a podcast producer.