This book tells a remarkable story that begins in classical antiquity with ecphrasis, the art of describing the world so vividly that the audience could become imaginative eyewitnesses, and the events that caused an ideal of immediacy to be transformed into nearly its opposite, a preoccupation with representation of representation.
Mục lục
Introduction: Ecphrasis, Description, and the Imagined Place ‘As If Present’: Classical Ecphrasis Unity, Form, and Figuration A Sylvan Scene The Universe Dead or Alive: Gilpin, Wordsworth, and the Picturesque The Visionary Eye: Wordsworth’s Anti-picturesque Excursion ‘Till the Place Became Religion’: Byron’s Coliseum Epilogue: Immediacy
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JANICE HEWLETT KOELB received her Ph D in Comparative Literature from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA, where she specialized in classical Latin and British Romantic literature. Today she is an independent scholar in Chapel Hill.