27 Ebooks bởi The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection
Collection The Sincere Seeker Kids: My Favorite Bedtime Stories from The Holy Quran
Exploring Stories of the Quran: Timeless Tales for Muslim Children Introduce your child to inspiring Quranic stories with beautiful illustrations and engaging narratives. This collection brings the l …
The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection: Mi Primer Libro del Hadiz
Como padres, debemos criar a nuestros hijos en la Fe Islamica. Esto requiere que mostremos a nuestros hijos a nuestro amado Profeta Muhammad, la paz este con el, el modelo a seguir que Ala nos envio …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection: Mon premier livre sur les Hadiths
En tant que parents, nous devons elever nos enfants en suivant la foi islamique. Pour cela, nous devons presenter a nos enfants notre bien-aime Prophete Mohammed, PSL, le modele qu’Allah a fait desce …
tiếng Pháp
Collection The Sincere Seeker Kids: Getting to Know & Love God
A Journey for Growing Hearts: Introducing God to Children of All Faiths (Ages 4-9) What’s Inside: Getting to Know & Love God provides children ages 4-9 with an enriching introduction to who God is, H …
Kids The Sincere Seeker Collection: Islamic Book for Babies & Toddlers
Teach Your Baby the ABCs of Islam! What’s Inside Introduce your little one to Islam with ‘My Baby’s First Islamic Words, ‘ a vibrant ABC book for Muslim babies and toddlers. Each letter introduces an …
Collection The Sincere Seeker Kids: My Very First Duas From the Holy Quran
Teach Your Child the Beautiful Dua Prayers from the Quran My First Dua from the Holy Quran is a beautifully illustrated 26-page book designed to teach Muslim children essential duas (supplications) f …
The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection: Conocer y Amar el Islam
El amor de Ala ya esta inculcado en el corazon de nuestros hijos, y es nuestro deber como padres ayudar a nutrir y mantener ese amor. Debemos ensenar a nuestros hijos en una etapa temprana sobre lo q …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection: Den Islam kennen & lieben lernen
Die Liebe zu Allah ist bereits in den Herzen unserer Kinder verankert, und es ist unsere Aufgabe als Eltern, diese Liebe zu fordern und zu erhalten. Wir mussen unseren Kindern schon fruh beibringen, …
tiếng Đức
The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection: L’aventure du petit Zaid pour accomplir la Salat
tiếng Pháp
The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection: Die Reise des Kleinen Zaid zum Salahgebet
Das islamische ritualisierte Gebet ist eine der wichtigsten Saulen des Islam und wird das erste sein, woruber wir am Tag des Gerichts befragt werden. Es ist unsere Pflicht als Eltern, unsere Kinder u …
tiếng Đức
The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection: Il Piccolo Viaggio di Zaid verso la preghiera Salah
La Preghiera Rituale Islamica e uno dei pilastri fondamentali dell’Islam, e sara una delle cose che ci verranno chieste per prime durante il Giorno del Giudizio. In quanto genitori abbiamo il compito …
tiếng Ý
The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection: Il Viaggio del Piccolo Zaid verso la Salah
L’amore di Allah e gia instillato nei cuori dei nostri bambini, e in quanto genitori, abbiamo il compito di nutrirlo e sostenerlo. Dobbiamo insegnare ai nostri figli cosa e l’Islam, chi e il nostro C …
tiếng Ý
Collection The Sincere Seeker Kids: My Allah Teaches Me
Look Around, Little One: Allah Made Everything Just for You! What’s Inside Take your little one on a delightful journey to discover Allah’s beautiful creations! From clouds and stars to bunnies and g …
Collection The Sincere Seeker Kids: My Holy Quran Teaches Me
A Gentle Introduction to the Quran for Muslim Children What’s Inside Through the playful journey of Baby Bear and Papa Bear, children ages 2-6 discover the beauty and wisdom of the Quran. This engagi …
Collection The Sincere Seeker Kids: What Islam Teaches Me
A First Introduction to Islam for Young Muslims: Islamic Bedtime Stories for Toddlers and Preschoolers Take your little one on a heartwarming journey to discover Islam! Through the adventures of Rash …
Collection The Sincere Seeker: My Big Sister’s Hijab
Embracing Hijab & Discovering Its Beauty: A Young Muslim Girl’s Inspiring Journey Sophia’s Journey to Learning About Hijab & Loving It is a beautifully illustrated book that introduces young Muslim g …
Kids The Sincere Seeker Collection: My First Book on Hadith for Children
Introduce your child to Hadith, Islamic values, and good manners with this beautifully illustrated book. Help your child develop good manners and strong Islamic values with My First Book on Had …
Kids The Sincere Seeker Collection: Getting to Know & Love Prophet Muhammad
A Beautiful Journey Through the Life of Our Beloved Prophet ﷺ Inspire your child’s love for Prophet Muhammad ﷺ through this beautifully crafted biography that brings his remarkable life journey to yo …
The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection: Allah, unseren Schöpfer, kennen und lieben lernen
tiếng Đức
The Sincere Seeker Collection: Att lära känna Allah, vår skapare
♥ Barn är ett förtroende som Allah (Gud) ger föräldrarna lika mycket som de är en värdefull gåva. Föräldrarna är ansvariga för att ta hand om och uppfostra sina barn. Föräldrar kommer att ställas til …
Tiếng Thụy Điển
The Sincere Seeker Collection: Conhecer Alá O Nosso Criador
♥ As crianças são um dom inestimável que Alá (Deus) confia aos pais. Os pais são responsáveis por cuidar e educar os seus filhos. Os pais serão responsabilizados no Dia do Julgamento quanto à forma c …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Collection The Sincere Seeker Kids: Our Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him Taught Us
Help Your Little One Walk in the Prophet’s (PBUH) Footsteps! What’s Inside Journey with your little one to discover the beautiful teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This gentle introd …