[The European Stock Corporation. Implementation questions and perspectives]
In October 2004 the European stock corporation, or Societas Europaea (S.E.), has been made available in the EU as a European form of company. The discussion concerning a European stock corporation harks back to the 1950’s. Then, in 2001, a surprising accord was reached after various failed attempts to establish a standard European stock corporation.
However, in many partially decisive areas this accord was only able to be reached through extensive compromises. That’s why it’s feared that there will not be a standard form of stock corporation, but rather a multitude of nationally characterized and partially quite different European stock corporations.
The conference arranged by the ‘foundational guest lecture series for international banking law’ should provide insights from a comparative legal standpoint into the status and content of the implementation efforts in the relevant member nations of the EU. The volume at hand reproduces the lectures held at the conference.
Mục lục
The Societas Europaea – Implementation and Perspectives
Einführung Friedrich Kübler · Implementation of the European Company (SE) in Great Britain Paul Davies · Landesbericht Niederlande zum Begleitgesetz Europäische Gesellschaft Wiek Slagter · The European Company: Report from Sweden Johan Danelius · Country Report France Nicolas Rontchevsky · Reflections on the Societas European in the Belgian legal system Eddy Wymeersch · Societas Europaea and The Limits of Harmonisation: A View from Italy Guido Ferrarini · Societas Europea: Implementing the SE Regulation in Poland Stanisław Sołtysiński · Die geplante SE-Gesetzgebung in Österreich Susanne Kalss · Die Vorbereitung der Ausführungsgesetzgebung zur Societas Europaea in Deutschland Hans-Werner Neye · Die Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer in der SE Georg Kleinsorge · Chancen und Risiken der SE aus Unternehmenssicht Jürgen Götz · Mobilität und Restrukturierung von Unternehmen im Binnenmarkt: Entwicklungsperspektiven des europäischen Gesellschaftsrechts im Schnittfeld von Gemeinschaftsgesetzgeber und Eu GH Horst Eidenmüller
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Theodor Baums , Institut für Bankrecht, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main.
Professor Dr. Andreas Cahn , Institute for Law and Finance, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main.