Tác giả: Thody Philip Thody

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3 Ebooks bởi Thody Philip Thody

Professor Philip Thody: Le Franglais
A study of the attempt by French politicians to use the law to forbid the use of words in English and American origin. Classifies some of these words and lists expressions in current use in American …
Howard Evans & Gwilym Rees: Faux Amis and Key Words
Witty, entertaining, and informative, this book on so-called ”false friends” will be of immediate use to anyone using the French language and needing to understand French society and culture. The i …
Philip Thody: Marcel Proust
The starting point of A la recherche du temps perdu (Remembrance of Things Past) is an experience everyone has had. We have all had a physical sensation that has reminded us so vividly of a moment in …