Te series Essentials in Ophthalmology was initi- to discuss clinically relevant and appropriate t- ated two years ago to expedite the timely trans- ics. Summaries of clinically relevant information fer of new information in vision science and have been provided throughout each chapter. evidence-based medicine into clinical practice. Each subspecialty area now has been covered We thought that this prospicient idea would be once, and the response to the frst eight volumes moved and guided by a resolute commitment in the series has been enthusiastically positive. to excellence. It is reasonable to now update our With the start of the second cycle of subspecialty readers with what has been achieved. coverage, the dissemination of practical informa- Te immediate goal was to transfer informa- tion will be continued as we learn more about tion through a high quality quarterly publication the emerging advances in various ophthalmic in which ophthalmology would be represented by subspecialties that can be applied to obtain the eight subspecialties. In this regard, each issue has best possible care of our patients. Moreover, we had a subspecialty theme and has been overseen will continue to highlight clinically relevant – by two internationally recognized volume edi- formation and maintain our commitment to – tors, who in turn have invited a bevy of experts cellence. G. K. Krieglstein R. N.
Mục lục
Cataract Surgery.- Intraocular Lenses to Restore and Preserve Vision Following Cataract Surgery.- Cataract Surgery in Eyes with Loose Zonules.- Management of the Small Pupil for Cataract Surgery.- Advanced Intraocular Lens Power Calculations.- Refractive Surgery.- Customized Corneal Treatments for Refractive Errors.- Epi LASIK.- The Femtosecond Laser: a New Tool for Refractive and Corneal Surgery.- Complications of Excimer Laser Surgery.- Refractive Lens Exchange: Risk Management.- Pseudoaccommodative and Accommodative IOLs.- Selecting Phakic Intraocular Lenses for the Correction of Refractive Errors.- Intracorneal Implants.