The idea that current methods of food production are not sustainable in the long-term is a controversial topic. This book provides information that will advance a form of livestock production that meets the long- and short-term goals of human food production, minimizing degradation of natural resources. Important concerns regarding food safety, particularly antibiotic and chemical residues in meat, milk and other livestock foods, have stimulated renewed interest in alternative methods of promoting livestock health.
Alternative Health Practices for Livestock is the first compilation of its kind for veterinarians, agriculture extension educators and livestock producers. It provides a well-referenced overview of some of the alternative livestock practices currently being examined.
Key Features:
* A much needed information source on alternative health for large animals
* Contributions from veterinarians, farmers, extension educators and university professors
* Discusses the necessity for more validated scientific assessments of alternative and herbal therapies in livestock production
* Includes chapters on ways to promote alternative methods of health care for livestock, including steps to obtain research funding.
Mục lục
Contributors v
Introduction vii
Thomas F. Morris and Michael T. Keilty
Section I Science of Alternative Methods
Evaluation of a Homeopathic Therapy for Subclinical Mastitis in Lactating Holstein Cows 3
Sheila M. Andrew and Robin R. Rastani
Potential Role of Amazonian Medicinal Plants for Health Maintenance in Livestock 14
Mark J.S. Miller
Botanicals for Pigs 23
Palmer J. Holden
Evaluation of Homeopathic Nosodes for Mastitis and Calf Scours: Lessons from the Vermont Nosode Project 40
Lisa Mc Crory and John Barlow
Livestock Self-medication 54
Cindy Engel
Alternative Methods of Controlling Parasites in Small Ruminants 62
R. W Godfrey and R. E Dodson
Overview of Research Methods on Medicinal Plants for Livestock: Endo- and Ecto-parasites 71
Jennifer K. Ketzis
Section I1 Historical Review of Alternative Methods
8 Forage Quality and Livestock Health: A Nutritionist’s View 85
Jerry Brunetti
9 Livestock Treatments Links from the Past to Holistic Alternatives of the Present 104
Hubert J. Karreman
10 Herbs and Alternatives in Equine Practice 122
Joyce C. Harman
Section I11 Concerns about Conventional Therapies
11 The Ecology of Antimicrobial Resistance and Use of Alternatives to Antimicrobials in Food Animal Production in the United States 133
Stephen J. De Vincent
12 Use of rb ST and Implications for Cow Health in the Dairy Industry 164
Alan H. Fredeen
Section IV Ideas to Promote Alternative Methods
13 Funding for Testing Alternative Livestock Methods: Developing and Performing Grants to Help Fund Sustainable Livestock Production 173
Randy Kidd
14 Economics of Niche Marketing in Alternative Livestock Farming 192
Gary L. Valen
Index 201
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Tom Morris is Associate Professor and extension agronomist,
Department of Plant Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
He is currently the coordinator for the Professional Development
Program, Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
(SARE) program.
Michael T. Keilty has been the owner of Maple Spring
Farms located in Morris, CT, since 1974, specializing in
diversified lovestock and plant production. He is currently a
sustainable agriculture research associate, Department of Plant
Science. University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.