Tác giả: Thomas Ostermeier

Ủng hộ
Thomas Ostermeier, 1968 geboren, studierte in Berlin Theaterregie. Seit 1999 ist er Künstlerischer Leiter und Regisseur an der Schaubühne Berlin.

6 Ebooks bởi Thomas Ostermeier

Yasmina Reza: Bella Figura
Boris will mit seiner heimlichen Geliebten einen erotischen Abend in einem abgelegenen Hotel verbringen. Dann aber fährt er beim Zurücksetzen eine alte Dame an, die hier Geburtstag feiert – die Schwi …
tiếng Đức
Gerhard Jörder & Thomas Ostermeier: OSTERMEIER
Thomas Ostermeier ist einer der bekanntesten europäischen Theatermacher und gilt vielen als ‘das Gesicht des modernen deutschen Theaters’ (DIE ZEIT). Seine großen Ibsen-Inszenierungen und sein ‘Hamle …
tiếng Đức
Gerhard Jörder & Thomas Ostermeier: OSTERMEIER
Thomas Ostermeier is one of the best-known European theatre makers and is regarded by many as ‘the face of modern German theatre’ (DIE ZEIT). His major Ibsen productions and his ‘Hamlet’, starring La …
Peter M Boenisch & Thomas Ostermeier: Theatre of Thomas Ostermeier
Thomas Ostermeier is the most internationally recognised German theatre director of the present. With this book, he presents his directorial method for the first time. The Theatre of Thomas Ostermeie …
Peter M Boenisch & Thomas Ostermeier: Theatre of Thomas Ostermeier
Thomas Ostermeier is the most internationally recognised German theatre director of the present. With this book, he presents his directorial method for the first time. The Theatre of Thomas Ostermeie …
Henrik Ibsen: An Enemy of the People (NHB Modern Plays)
When Dr Stockmann makes a disturbing discovery about the healing waters in his local baths, he holds the future of the whole town in his hands. But doubt spreads faster than disease, and those with e …