Mục lục
1. The Deviant Leisure Perspective: A Theoretical Introduction, Thomas Raymen And Oliver Smith.- 2. What Lies Beneath? Some Notes On Ultra-Realism, And The Intellectual F...
Mục lục
1. The Deviant Leisure Perspective: A Theoretical Introduction, Thomas Raymen And Oliver Smith.- 2. What Lies Beneath? Some Notes On Ultra-Realism, And The Intellectual Foundations Of The ‘Deviant Leisure’ Perspective, Simon Winlow.- 3. Consumptive And Non-Consumptive Leisure And Its Fit With Deviance, Robert A. Stebbins.- 4. Real Ultras And Ultra Realism: Deviant Leisure Cultures, High Theory And Raw Realism, Steve Redhead.- 5. ‘Be More VIP’: Deviant Leisure And Hedonistic Excess In Ibiza’s ‘Disneyized’ Party Spaces, Keith Hayward And Tim Turner.- 6. Substance Use In The Night-Time Economy: Deviant Leisure?, Tammy Ayres.- 7. Lifestyle Drugs And Late-Capitalism: A Topography Of Harm, Alexandra Hall.- 8. ‘The Fittest On Earth’: Performance And Image Enhancing Drugs Within UK Crossfit Communities, Katinka Van De Ven And Kyle J.D. Mulrooney.- 9. From Edgework To Death Drive: The Pursuit Of Pleasure And Denial Of Harm In A Leisure Society, Rowland Atkinson.- 10. The Business Of Resistance: Feminist Pornography And The Limits Of Leisure Industries As Sites Of Political Resistance, Corina Medley.- 11. Lifestyle Gambling In Accelerated Culture, Thomas Raymen.- 12. Loving The Planet To Death: Tourism And Ecocide, Rob White.- 13. Luxury, Tourism And Harm: A Deviant Leisure Perspective, Oliver Smith.- 14. Conspicuously Doing Charity: Exploring The Relationship Between ‘Doing Good’ And Doing Harm In Tourism, Jo Large.- 15. The Paradox Of Parkour: Conformity, Resistance And Spatial Exclusion, Thomas Raymen.- 16. Urban Exploration As Deviant Leisure, Theo Kindynis.- 17. Holiday Camps, Prison Time And Confined Escapism: Understanding Leisure, Pleasure And Harm In Prisons, Kate Gooch And David Sheldon.