Tác giả: Timothy McGlinchey

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8 Ebooks bởi Timothy McGlinchey

Timothy McGlinchey: The relationship between memory and emotions within the process of trauma and reconstruction
Essay from the year 2014 in the subject Ethnology / Cultural Anthropology, grade: 1.0, Queen’s University Belfast (School of History and Anthropology), course: Social Anthropology, language: English, …
Timothy McGlinchey: Popular Music as Resistance. Jazz, Rap and Punk Rock
Essay from the year 2015 in the subject Sociology – Media, Art, Music, grade: 1.0, Queen’s University Belfast (School of History and Anthropology), course: Social Anthropology, language: English, abs …
Timothy McGlinchey: Ethnicity. Aspect of a Relationship or Property of a Group?
Essay from the year 2015 in the subject Ethnology / Cultural Anthropology, grade: 1.0, Queen’s University Belfast (School of History and Anthropology), course: Social Anthropology, language: English, …
Timothy McGlinchey: Luhrmann’s ‘When God Talks Back. Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God’. A Critical Reflection of her Findings and Approach
Essay from the year 2015 in the subject Ethnology / Cultural Anthropology, grade: 1.0, Queen’s University Belfast (School of History and Anthropology), course: Social Anthropology, language: English, …
Timothy McGlinchey: Boundaries of friendship and beyond. Analysing the notions of love within friendships
Project Report from the year 2014 in the subject Ethnology / Cultural Anthropology, grade: 1.0, Queen’s University Belfast (School of History and Anthropology), course: Social Anthropology, language: …
Timothy McGlinchey: Anthropology and ‘Charlie Bit My Finger’. The Social Impact of Viral Videos and Video Sharing
Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2015 in the subject Ethnology / Cultural Anthropology, grade: 1.0, Queen’s University Belfast (School of History and Anthropology), course: Social Anthropo …
Timothy McGlinchey: Audience and Empathy. Film as a Uniquely Evocative Medium
Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2016 in the subject Film Science, grade: 1.0, Queen’s University Belfast (School of Creative Arts), course: Film and Visual Studies, language: English, abs …
Timothy McGlinchey: Fieldwork as a ‘Colonial Encounter’? The Impact and Dynamics of Fieldwork
Essay from the year 2015 in the subject Ethnology / Cultural Anthropology, grade: 1.0, Queen’s University Belfast (School of History and Anthropology), course: Social Anthropology, language: English, …