Christopher Daase ist Professor für Internationale Organisation an der Universität Frankfurt. Stefan Engert, Dr. phil., und Julian Junk, M.A., sind dort wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter.
8 Ebooks bởi Tobias Debiel
Christopher Daase & Stefan Engert: Verunsicherte Gesellschaft – überforderter Staat
Sicherheitspolitik schließt heute nicht mehr nur militärische Risiken ein, sondern auch ökonomische, ökologische und humanitäre. Neben staatlichen Sicherheitsbedürfnissen müssen auch jene der Gesells …
tiếng Đức
Tobias Debiel & Andrea Gawrich: (Dys-)Functionalities of Corruption
Corruption is usually understood as hampering political development, economic growth and democratic participation of citizens, but comparing the effects of corruption for different political regimes …
Tobias Debiel & Thomas Held: Peacebuilding in Crisis
The 1990s saw a constant increase in international peace missions, predominantly led by the United Nations, whose mandates were more and more extended to implement societal and political transformati …
Tobias Debiel & Thomas Held: Peacebuilding in Crisis
The 1990s saw a constant increase in international peace missions, predominantly led by the United Nations, whose mandates were more and more extended to implement societal and political transformati …
Tobias Debiel & Peter Finkenbusch: Moral Agency and the Politics of Responsibility
At a time when globalization has side-lined many of the traditional, state-based addressees of legal accountability, it is not clear yet how blame is allocated and contested in the new, highly differ …
Tobias Debiel & Peter Finkenbusch: Moral Agency and the Politics of Responsibility
At a time when globalization has side-lined many of the traditional, state-based addressees of legal accountability, it is not clear yet how blame is allocated and contested in the new, highly differ …
Tobias Debiel & Sven Gareis: Wer ordnet die Welt?
Die etablierte internationale Ordnung der vergangen 25 Jahre ist aus den Fugen: Nach den Hoffnungen auf eine Art ‚ewigen Frieden’ nach Ende der bipolaren Weltordnung und dem kurzen ‚unipolaren Moment …
tiếng Đức
Oksana Huss: How Corruption and Anti-Corruption Policies Sustain Hybrid Regimes
Leaders of hybrid regimes in pursuit of political domination and material gain instrumentalize both hidden forms of corruption and public anti-corruption policies. Corruption is pursued for different …