Gain a greater understanding of technology management and what itmeans to the community college campus today. Effective planning, directing, control, and coordination of technological capabilitiescan shape and help accomplish your institution’s strategic andoperational objectives.
Editor Tod Treat, assistant professor in the Department of Education Policy, Organization, and Leadership at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and contributing authors explorecommunity college technology management from a variety of vantagepoints. They argue that technology management should be a strategyon par with physical, human and fiscal management. They demonstratehow technology can be used to reach students; how it plays acritical role in institutional research; how it impacts faculty andstaff and how it continues to shape broad trends in teaching andlearning.
This is the 154th volume of the Jossey-Bass quarterly reportseries New Directions for Community Colleges.Essential to the professional libraries of presidents, vicepresidents, deans, and other leaders in today’s open-doorinstitutions, New Directions for Community Collegesprovides expert guidance in meeting the challenges of theirdistinctive and expanding educational mission.
Mục lục
1. 4Bs or Not 4Bs: Bricks, Bytes, Brains, and Bandwidth1
Tod Treat
The effective integration of planning to include bricks, bytes, brains, and bandwidth (4Bs) represents an opportunity for communitycolleges to extend their capacity as a knowledge-intensiveorganization, coupling knowledge, technology, and learning.
2. Leveraging Web Technologies in Student Support Self-Services 5
M. Craig Herndon
The use of web technologies to connect with and disperseinformation to prospective and current students can be effectivefor the student as well as effi cient for colleges.
3. Practical Implications of Implementing a Unit Record System on a Community College Campus 31
Joe Offermann, Ryan Smith
This chapter addresses the challenges and opportunities ofimplementing a unit record system on campus by addressing potentialcosts, benefi ts, and integration with already existing data andaccountability processes.
4. Planning for Instructional Technology in the Classroom45
Regina L. Garza Mitchell
Community colleges are known for keeping abreast of the latestinstructional technologies, but the constant and rapid growth ofavailable technology also presents challenges. This chapter reviewsthe current literature regarding instructional technologyusage.
5. Web 2.0 Technologies: Applications for Community Colleges53
Susanne K. Bajt
This chapter will provide an overview of Web 2.0 technologies andconsiderations of their potential to transform the way education isdelivered.
6. Andragogy, Organization, and Implementation Concerns for Gaming as an Instructional Tool in the Community College63
Vance S. Martin
The community college provides an effective testbed of immersiveexperiences for learning. This setting provides essentialfoundations such as support for innovation, infrastructure, andintentional adoption of various levels of games.
7. Faculty Leadership and Instructional Technologies: Who Decides? 73
Bob Barber
Discussion of leadership functions and practices in the realm ofinstructional technology in community colleges cannot be limited tothe administrative side.
8. Models of Technology Management at the Community College:The Role of the Chief Information Officer 87
Scott Armstrong, Lauren Simer, Lee Spaniol
In this chapter, community college CIOs speak to their roles, focusing on the critical issues they face today and the approachestheir institutions are taking to ensure pre paration for a rapidlychanging technological future.
9. IT Funding’s Race with Obsolescence, Innovation, Diffusion, and Planning 97
Jeff Bartkovich
In times of diffi cult funding, IT managers must build newfoundations, rationale statements, methods of operating, andmeasures of accountability to maintain their funding base.
10. What is Next? Futuristic Thinking for Community Colleges 107
Thomas Ramage
This chapter provides a presidential perspective on these trends tosuggest that our students of tomorrow must be educated in verydifferent ways and speculates as to what this means for the way welead our institutions today.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Tod Treat is the editor of Technology Management: New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 154, published by Wiley.