Tác giả: Tor Dokken

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3 Ebooks bởi Tor Dokken

Tor Dokken & Georg Muntingh: SAGA – Advances in ShApes, Geometry, and Algebra
This book summarizes research carried out in workshops of the SAGA project, an Initial Training Network exploring the interplay of Shapes, Algebra, Geometry and Algorithms. Written by a combination o …
Tor Dokken & Bert Jüttler: Computational Methods for Algebraic Spline Surfaces
This volume contains revised papers that were presented at the international workshop entitled Computational Methods for Algebraic Spline Surfaces (“COMPASS”), which was held from September 29 to Oct …
Tor Dokken & Gael Kermarrec: Optimal Surface Fitting of Point Clouds Using Local Refinement
This open access book provides insights into the novel Locally Refined B-spline (LR B-spline) surface format, which is suited for representing terrain and seabed data in a compact way. It provides an …