Harald Atmanspacher, Ph D, is a staff member at Collegium Helveticum, ETH and the University of Zurich. He is also President of the Society for Mind-Matter Research and Editor-in-Chief of its journal “Mind and Matter”. He has pioneered advances in complex dynamical systems research and in the scientific study of consciousness.
Ulrich Müller-Herold is professor emeritus of the ETH Zurich Department of Environmental Systems Science. His research activities have covered algebraic quantum mechanics, prebiotic chemistry, ecological risk prevention and the molecular structure of liquid water.
3 Ebooks bởi Ulrich Muller-Herold
Harald Atmanspacher & Ulrich Müller-Herold: From Chemistry to Consciousness
This book reflects on the significant and highly original scientific contributions of Hans Primas. A professor of chemistry at ETH Zurich from 1962 to 1995, Primas continued his research activities u …
Ulrich Muller-Herold & Hans Primas: Elementare Quantenchemie
Die Quantentheorie ist eine der grossen kulturellen Leistungen unseres Jahrhunderts und Teil der allgemeinen Bildung für all jene, die über die mathe matischen Voraussetzungen zu ihrem Verständnis v …
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Anton Amann & Ulrich Muller-Herold: Offene Quantensysteme
Das Buch vermittelt die Grundlagen der Spektroskopie und erarbeitet die erforderlichen theoretischen Hilfsmittel: Thermostatik, statistische Mechanik, Dichteoperatoren, Dynamik offener Quantensysteme …
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