ספר דו לשוני, מגיל 2 (עברית – ערבית)
טים לא יכול להירדם. הזאב הקטן שלו הלך לאיבוד! אולי הוא שכח אותו בחוץ?
טים יוצא לבדו באישון לילה החוצה כשלפתע נתקל בעוד כמה חברים …
كتاب الأطفال ثنائي اللغة (عبري – العربية)
تيم ليس بإمكانه أن يغفو. ذئبه الصغير مفقود! ربما قد نسيه في الخارج.
تيم كان وحيداً بمفرده في تلك الليلة. وفجأة التقى بعض الأصدقاء …
َدِيدْ: نَمَاذِجٌ لِلتَّلْوِينِ عَبْرَ رَابِطٍ فِي الكِتَابِ، يُمْكِنُ طِبَاعَةُ وَتنْزِيلِ رُسُومَاتِ الكِتَابِ وَتَلْوِينِهَا.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Ulrich Renz was born in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1960. After studying French literature in Paris he graduated from medical school in Lübeck and worked as head of a scientific publishing company. He is now a writer of non-fiction books as well as children's fiction books.
Barbara Brinkmann was born in Munich in 1969 and grew up in the foothills of the Bavarian Alps. She studied architecture in Munich and is currently a research associate in the Department of Architecture at the Technical University of Munich. She also works as a freelance graphic designer, illustrator, and author.