Tác giả: Valerie Steele

Ủng hộ
Doctora en Historia por la Universidad de Yale, Valerie Steele es directora y curadora del Museo del Fashion Institute of Technology de Nueva York, en donde desde 1997 ha organizado numerosas exposiciones, entre las cuales se destacan El corset (2000), Una historia queer de la moda (2013-2014), Danza y moda (2014-205) y La musa de Proust (2016-2017). Es editora y fundadora de Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture, la primera revista académica dedicada a los estudios de moda, y ha escrito o compilado más de 25 libros, entre los cuales se pueden mencionar Women of Fashion (1991), Fetish: Fashion, Sex and Power (1996), The Berg Companion to Fashion (2010), y Fashion Designers A-Z (2012). Steele combina la investigación académica rigurosa con una excepcional habilidad para comunicarse con un público amplio, y ha jugado un rol fundamental en la creación del campo disciplinario de los estudios de moda tal como lo conocemos hoy. The Washington Post la describe como una de las “mujeres más inteligentes de la moda”, Suzy Menkes la apodó “el Freud de la moda”, y la revista Business of Fashion la incluyó dentro de su prestigiosa lista de personalidades que dan forma a la industria global de la moda. Si bien sus libros ya han sido traducidos a seis idiomas, esta es la primera compilación de sus textos en lengua española.

7 Ebooks bởi Valerie Steele

Valerie Steele: Fetish
Kinky boots, corsets, underwear as outerwear, second-skin garments of rubber and leather, uniforms, body piercing…. Today everything from a fetishist’s dream appears on the fashion runways. Althoug …
Valerie Steele: Paris, Capital of Fashion
Paris, Capital of Fashion accompanies a major exhibition at The Museum at FIT, New York’s only museum dedicated solely to the art of fashion. This lavishly-illustrated book is edited by MFIT’s direct …
Valerie (Director and Chief Curator of The Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, USA) Steele: Paris Fashion
Paris has been the international capital of fashion for more than 300 years. Even before the rise of the haute couture, Parisians were notorious for their obsession with fashion, and foreigners eager …
Valerie Steele: Fashion theory
Mediante el análisis de la figura del dandi en Baudelaire, la circulación de imágenes de moda en la prensa femenina del siglo XIX o las exhibiciones en museos, estos textos abordan la moda desde dive …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Valerie Steele: Paris, Capital of Fashion
Paris, Capital of Fashion accompanies a major exhibition at The Museum at FIT, New York’s only museum dedicated solely to the art of fashion. This lavishly-illustrated book is edited by MFIT’s direct …
Valerie Steele: The Berg Companion to Fashion
– An essential reference for students, curators and scholars of fashion, cultural studies, and the expanding range of disciplines that see fashion as imbued with meaning far beyond the material. – Ov …
Valerie Steele: Paris Fashion
Paris has been the international capital of fashion for more than 300 years. Even before the rise of the haute couture, Parisians were notorious for their obsession with fashion, and foreigners eager …