Tác giả: Vamik Volkan

Ủng hộ
Vamik D. Volkan, M.D., is an emeritus professor of psychiatry at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, an emeritus training and supervising analyst at the Washington Psychoanalytic Institute and the Senior Erik Erikson Scholar at the Austen Riggs Center in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. He was the Medical Director of the University of Virginia s Blue Ridge Hospital and director of the University of Virginia s Center for the Study of Mind and Human Interaction. He was a past president of the International Society of Political Psychology, the Virginia Psychoanalytic Society, the Turkish-American Neuropsychiatric Association, and the American College of Psychoanalysts. He holds Honorary Doctorate degrees from Kuopio University, Finland and from Ankara University, Turkey. He is the author or co-author of fifty books and the editor or co-editor of ten more. He has served on the editorial boards of sixteen professional journals including the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. He has published more than 400 scientific papers or book chapters. His work has been translated into many languages.

18 Ebooks bởi Vamik Volkan

Salman Akhtar: Before and After Violence
From childhood onwards, humans use their environment’s responses to construct models or schemata to link feelings and impulses with actions and effects. If the environment during those formative year …
Religious Knives : Historical and Psychological Dimensions of International Terrorism
In this timely multidimensional study, historian Jouni Suistola and psychoanalyst Vamik D. Volkan draw on their respective disciplines and their own personal and professional experiences to investiga …
Vamik Volkan: Ghosts in the Human Psyche
Vamik Volkan examines the impact of past and present historical events, cultural elements, political movements and their mental images on the psyche of individuals. Beginning with the history of the …
Vamik Volkan: Large-Group Psychology
2021 Gradiva Award Winner Following the deadly 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, numerous recent, and fatal, attacks on mosques, churches, and synagogues occurring worldwide, …
Vamik Volkan: Inmigrantes y refugiados
La así llamada ‘crisis de los refugiados’ es un fenómeno que ha propiciado tajantes divisiones en la Unión Europea y que ha generado sentimientos de temor y repulsa hacia todo aquello ajeno a los val …
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Vamik Volkan: Psicología de las sociedades en conflicto
A lo largo de la historia se han producido innumerables conflictos entre grupos tribales, étnicos, nacionales, religiosos y político-ideológicos, ya sea a nivel territorial o extraterritorial. Asimis …
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Vamik Volkan: Aspirante a asesino
En medio de la noche, la esposa de un pastor metodista se despierta justo cuando su marido está a punto de matarla con un hacha. Sin embargo, el hombre se detiene en el momento del impulso, entrando …
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Vamik Volkan: Ghosts in the Human Psyche
Vamik Volkan examines the impact of past and present historical events, cultural elements, political movements and their mental images on the psyche of individuals. Beginning with the history of the …
Andreas Hamburger & Camellia Hancheva: Soziales Trauma
Das interdisziplinäre Lehrbuch zum Sozialen Trauma schließt eine Lücke zwischen klinischen und sozialwissenschaftlichen Traumatheorien und bietet Grundlagen für die universitäre Lehre sowie einen Übe …
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