Search has changed everything. Has your business harnessed its
full potential?
A business’s search strategy can have a dramatic impact on how
consumers interact with that business. But even more importantly,
search engine activity provides amazingly useful data about
customer behavior, needs, and motivations. In this non-technical
book for executives, business owners, and marketers, search engine
strategy guru Vanessa Fox–who created Google’s portal for
site owners, Google Webmaster Central–explains what every
marketer or business owner needs to understand about search
rankings, search data, comprehensive search strategies, and
integrating your strategy into the businesses processes.
* Updated statistics, tools, and recommendations
* Details about the latest changes from Google, Bing, and the
overall search landscape
* Explanation and recommendations related to Google’s substantial
new search algorithm, know as ‘Panda’
* Discussion of the changing landscape of the integration of
search and social media, including the addition of Google+ to the
Traditional marketing isn’t enough anymore. Businesses need to
evolve as customer behavior evolves. Marketing in the Age of
Google shows you how.
Mục lục
Foreword Danny Sullivan xv
Preface xvii
Chapter 1 How Search Has Changed Your Business 1
Chapter 2 How to Use Search Data to Improve Your Business and Product Strategy 25
Chapter 3 How We Search 67
Chapter 4 Building Searcher Personas: Opening the Door to the Crowd of Customers You’ve Been Keeping Out 89
Chapter 5 How Search Engines Work 111
Chapter 6 Implementing an Effective Search Strategy 139
Chapter 7 Working with Developers: How to Turn Business Strategy into Tech Speak 157
Chapter 8 How to Cut through the Data and Get the Actionable Metrics You Need 171
Chapter 9 Social Media and Search 185
Chapter 10 What’s Next?: Beyond Google and 10 Blue Links 213
Notes 229
References 243
Index 245
Giới thiệu về tác giả
VANESSA FOX is a leading speaker and consultant on search engine strategy. She was previously Google’s search engine spokesperson responsible for explaining Google’s search algorithm to millions of website owners. She has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, USA TODAY, The Times (of London), Forbes, and on CNN. She’s a contributing editor for Search Engine and founder and CEO of Nine By Blue, which provides reporting tools and training for search best practices.