Mark O. Hatfield, former U. S. Senator, is Distinguished Professor of Politics at George Fox University, Distinguished Professor of Government at Portland State University, and has also taught at Willamette University. He is coauthor of Against the Grain: Reflections of a Rebel Republican.
2 Ebooks bởi Vernon C. Grounds
Vernon C. Grounds: Revolution and the Christian Faith
In this stirring book, Grounds has ably sketched the background against which the theology of revolution has emerged. Grounds puts it this way: I have sought to let the critics of the Establishment, …
Henry G. Bosch & Dave Branon: Pão Diário Mulheres
Faze-me ouvir, pela manhã, da tua graça, pois em ti confio; mostra-me o caminho por onde devo andar; porque a ti elevo a minha alma. – Salmo 143:8 Quando nos colocamos diante de Deus em oração para s …
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