Stephen Billett is Professor of Adult and Vocational Education in the School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland Australia. His research interest are in learning the capacities required for paid work, through experiences in and across working life, educational institutions and their integration.
Barbara E. Stalder is Professor at the Institute of Upper Secondary Education, Bern University of Teacher Education, Switzerland. Her research interests are in in student engagement and learning, career development in vocational education and training, and career success over the life-course.
Vibe Aarkrog is an associate professor, Ph.D. of Vocational Pedagogy at the Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Denmark. Her research concern pedagogical and curricula issues related to the interrelation of school-based and workplace-based learning in dual vocational education and training.
Sarojni Choy is a Professor of Adult and Vocational Education in the School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University. Her research interests are in vocational education and training, connecting educational experiences across different settings, continuing education and training, and workforce capacity building.
Steven Hodge is a Senior Lecturer in Adult and Vocational Educatoin in the School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland Australia. His research is in the broad area of curriculum with particular interest in how curriculum is constructed, represented and interpreted.
Anh Hai Le is a lecturer and senior research assistant at Griffith University. Her research interest focuses on curriculum development in tertiary education, with a specific emphasis on the process of building knowledge through scholarly engagement with industry and higher education institutions.
4 Ebooks bởi Vibe Aarkrog
Vibe Aarkrog & Bjarne Wahlgren: Transfer
Hvordan skabe sammenhæng mellem teori og praksis? Det er professionsuddannelsernes vigtigste spørgsmål, og transfer er nøglebegrebet, der knytter sig hertil. Transfer betyder ‘anvendelse af viden og …
Tiếng Đan Mạch
Stephen Billett & Barbara Elisabeth Stalder: The Standing of Vocational Education and the Occupations It Serves
This book addresses what is, perhaps, the single most important issue for vocational education; its relatively low standing in an era of high aspiration. The work explores the nature, extent and cons …
Vibe Aarkrog: Mellem skole og praktik
Ved hj Aelp af fire teoretiske forstaelsesrammer analyseres sammenh Aengen mellem skole og praktik i erhvervsuddannelserne. Afhandlingen belyser elevernes l Aering i praktikdelen af erhvervsuddannels …
Tiếng Đan Mạch