Personal Finance Essentials You Always Wanted to Know is a guide that will help you understand money and manage it like a pro.
An introduction to managing your personal finances better
Do you break out into a sweat at the mention of the word ‘financial planning?’ Do you often struggle with meeting your expenses? Do you worry about the future and ensuring your financial stability? And is the time for filing tax returns stressful for you?
Countless others go through the same experience, but it need not be this way.
This book answers all your pressing questions about finance and many more. It makes an effort to remove the fear that is often associated with the subject of finance by offering all the essentials in a conversational manner to engage the readers. Packed with fun facts and quizzes, it tackles subjects that constitute the world of personal finance which everyone has to deal with, whether we like it or not. With the help of this book, you will:
- Learn how to budget, save, and invest for your future.
- Get an overview of home ownership, taxation, insurance, and retirement planning.
- Calculate your income, expenses, and budget using practical templates.
- Become better at managing your finances.
Personal Finance Essentials is a ready reckoner for individuals who would like to know more but do not know where to start. It could be you and me, or students beginning a course in Finance, or youngsters exploring different lines of education and career. It could also be an organization attempting to help employees understand money management. This book has something for everyone.
It is a part of the Self-Learning Management Series designed to help students, managers, career switchers, and entrepreneurs learn essential management lessons.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Ankur Mithal is a widely experienced business professional. In over 15 years with Standard Chartered Bank, he worked in Sales, Project Management as well as Operations, operating out of Kolkata, Delhi, Hong Kong, Mumbai, and Singapore. He was involved in a number of improvement interventions in the BPO industry that straddled the disciplines of Organizational Development as well as Quality which created interest and enabled him to learn about them. He is also the author of Organizational Development Essentials by Vibrant Publishers.