Tác giả: Vincenzo Bavaro

Ủng hộ
Donatella Izzo is Professor of American Literature at “L”Orientale” University in Naples, Italy. Her research fields include American literature, American studies, and literary theory. She is the author of four books, including Portraying the Lady. Technologies of Gender in the Short Stories of Henry James (2001), and many scholarly essays, and is the editor of over 25 volumes and journal issues.

3 Ebooks bởi Vincenzo Bavaro

Vincenzo Bavaro: “Una storia etnica”?
Prendendo le mosse dall’idea di “capitale culturale” descritta da Pierre Bourdieu, e adottando metodologie e approcci sviluppati nei queer studies e nella performance theory, questo libro esplora la …
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Vincenzo Bavaro: La città contesa
“Una discarica con profonde ambizioni artistiche”: è così che Edmund White definisce la New York degli anni Settanta. Una città in bancarotta,  invasa dai rifiuti, devastata dal crimine e dal caos, u …
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Anna De Biasio & Gianna Fusco: Harbors, Flows, and Migrations
Poised between the land and the sea, enabling the dynamic flow of people and goods, while also figuratively representing a safe place of rest and refuge, the harbor constitutes a liminal, ambivalent …