Tác giả: Wayne H. Bowen

Ủng hộ
Wayne H. Bowen, Professor and Chair of the Department of History at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, is the author of five books, including Spaniards and Nazi Germany: Collaboration in the New Order and Spain during World War II (University of Missouri Press).

7 Ebooks bởi Wayne H. Bowen

Bowen Wayne H. Bowen: History of Saudi Arabia
The revised edition of this comprehensive survey follows the political, military, religious, economic, and diplomatic history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from pre-Muhammad times to the present day …
Bowen Wayne H. Bowen: Truman, Franco’s Spain, and the Cold War
Well-deployed primary sources and brisk writing by Wayne H. Bowen make this an excellent framework for understanding the evolution of U.S. policy toward Spain, and thus how a nation facing a global t …
Wayne H. Bowen: Spain and the Protestant Reformation
For Charles V and Philip II, both of whom expected to continue the momentum of the Reconquista into a campaign against Islam, the theology and political successes of Martin Luther and John Calvin men …
Wayne H. Bowen: Spain and the Protestant Reformation
For Charles V and Philip II, both of whom expected to continue the momentum of the Reconquista into a campaign against Islam, the theology and political successes of Martin Luther and John Calvin men …
Joan Maria Thomàs Andreu & Emilio Sáenz-Francés San Baldomero: Estados Unidos, Alemania, Gran Bretaña, Japón y sus relaciones con España entre la Guerra y la Postguerra (1939-1953)
Este libro presenta un análisis de las relaciones que, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la postguerra hasta 1953, mantuvieron con la España franquista los cuatro Estados que prota-gonizaron de man …
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Joan Maria Thomàs & Pablo León Aguinaga: Franco, Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña durante la Primera Guerra Fría
Esta obra coral ofrece un estudio sobre el franquismo y las relaciones internacionales de España con dos significativas potencias, EE. UU. y Reino Unido, durante la Guerra Fría. En ella se hace un an …
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Emilio Sáenz-Francés: Foes to Friends. Spain, the United States and the United Kingdom from the Civil War to the Cold War
Was Franco’s Spain really a pariah in the Anglosphere? This book examines pro-Francoism and the significant influence of a ‘Spanish lobby’ in shaping US and British policy towards Spain during the Se …