Wayne H. Bowen, Professor and Chair of the Department of History at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, is the author of five books, including Spaniards and Nazi Germany: Collaboration in the New Order and Spain during World War II (University of Missouri Press).
7 Ebooks bởi Wayne H. Bowen
Bowen Wayne H. Bowen: History of Saudi Arabia
The revised edition of this comprehensive survey follows the political, military, religious, economic, and diplomatic history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from pre-Muhammad times to the present day …
Bowen Wayne H. Bowen: Truman, Franco’s Spain, and the Cold War
Well-deployed primary sources and brisk writing by Wayne H. Bowen make this an excellent framework for understanding the evolution of U.S. policy toward Spain, and thus how a nation facing a global t …
Wayne H. Bowen: Spain and the Protestant Reformation
For Charles V and Philip II, both of whom expected to continue the momentum of the Reconquista into a campaign against Islam, the theology and political successes of Martin Luther and John Calvin men …
Wayne H. Bowen: Spain and the Protestant Reformation
For Charles V and Philip II, both of whom expected to continue the momentum of the Reconquista into a campaign against Islam, the theology and political successes of Martin Luther and John Calvin men …
Joan Maria Thomàs Andreu & Emilio Sáenz-Francés San Baldomero: Estados Unidos, Alemania, Gran Bretaña, Japón y sus relaciones con España entre la Guerra y la Postguerra (1939-1953)
Este libro presenta un análisis de las relaciones que, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la postguerra hasta 1953, mantuvieron con la España franquista los cuatro Estados que prota-gonizaron de man …
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Joan Maria Thomàs & Pablo León Aguinaga: Franco, Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña durante la Primera Guerra Fría
Esta obra coral ofrece un estudio sobre el franquismo y las relaciones internacionales de España con dos significativas potencias, EE. UU. y Reino Unido, durante la Guerra Fría. En ella se hace un an …
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Emilio Sáenz-Francés: Foes to Friends. Spain, the United States and the United Kingdom from the Civil War to the Cold War
Was Franco’s Spain really a pariah in the Anglosphere? This book examines pro-Francoism and the significant influence of a ‘Spanish lobby’ in shaping US and British policy towards Spain during the Se …