Tác giả: William Hanna

Ủng hộ
WILLIAM (BILL) HANNA is a man whose life to date has been one immersed in business requiring travel to most parts of the world. Bill lives with his wife at homes in Houston, Texas and Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. He has four grown kids and nine grandchildren all of whom are better looking than their parents. This is his first published book. Bill can be reached on his website located at “williambhanna.com”

18 Ebooks bởi William Hanna

William Hanna: Rules for the Road
Most travelers leave home Monday morning for a work week in the Chicago office saying Love yah honey, see you Friday. The hero in Rules for the Road is a quantum leap from that lucky character. Last …
William Hanna: The Forty Days After Our Lord’s Resurrection
I have long had the conviction that the results of that fuller and more exact interpretation of the books of the New Testament to which biblical scholars have been conducted, might be made available …
William Hanna: Die Bruderschaft Des Hiram: Ezechiels Tempelprophezeiung
Vor dem Hintergrund von Hass und Gewalt taucht Die Bruderschaft des Hiram: Ezechiels Tempelprophezeiung in die kritische Frage der ethnischen Säuberung der Palästinenser durch Israel ein und spricht …
tiếng Đức
William Hanna: La Fraternité Hiramique : Prophétie Du Temple Ezéchiel
Dans un contexte de haine et de violence, la Fraternité Hiramique : la prophétie du temple d’Ezéchiel approfondit la question du nettoyage ethnique des palestiniens par Israël et aborde les crimes ra …
tiếng Pháp
William Hanna: A Irmandade Hiramic: Profecia Do Templo De Ezequiel
Num contexto de ódio e violência, A Irmandade Hiramic: a Profecia do Templo de Ezequiel aprofunda a questão da limpeza étnica de palestinianos de Israel e aborda os crimes racistas contra a humanidad …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
William Hanna: أخوة حيرام: نبوءة معبد حزقيال
يخوض كتاب أخوة حيرام: نبوءة معبد حيزاقيل في قضية التطهير العرقي الذي تقوم به دولة إسرائيل للفلسطينيين ويتناول جرائم التمييز العنصري ضد الإنسانية في الشرق الأوسط في ظل خلفية الكراهية والعنف. تتبّع الر …
tiếng Ả Rập
William Hanna: Hermandad Hirámica: La Profecía Del Templo De Ezequiel
Situada en un contexto de odio y violencia, La Hermandad Hirámica: La Profecía del Templo de Ezequiel profundiza en el tema de la limpieza étnica por parte de Israel contra los palestinos y aborda lo …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
William Hanna: Monroe’s Fire II
О. Генри: 25 лучших рассказов
Чтение оригинальных произведений – простой и действенный способ погрузиться в языковую среду и совершенствоваться в иностранном языке. Серия «Бестселлер на все времена» – это возможность улучшить сво …
Ngôn ngữ Nga
William D. Hanna: Voyages with my Grandfather
Voyages with my Grandfather tells the story of Robert Boyd, a leading Irish missionary of the first half of the 20th century. It draws on his influential books and previously unpublished memoirs and …
William Hanna: 海勒姆兄弟情谊: 以西结的寺庙之预言
”海勒姆兄弟情谊: 以西结的寺庙之预言”以仇恨和暴力为背景,讨论了以色列对巴勒斯坦人进行种族清洗的问题,并讨论了中东地区的种族主义危害人类罪。 ”海勒姆兄弟情谊: 以西结的寺庙之预言”以仇恨和暴力为背景,讨论了以色列对巴勒斯坦人进行种族清洗的问题,并讨论了中东地区的种族主义危害人类罪。这本小说跟随记者康拉德·班纳(Conrad Banner),受到他父亲马克,马克, (一位作家和外国记者)的影响 …
tiếng Trung Quốc
William Hanna: Братство Хирама. Пророчество Иезекииля О Храме
Действие книги «Братство Хирама. Пророчество Храма Иезекииля» разворачивается на фоне ненависти и жестокостей. Писатель исследует события этнических чисток народа Палестины государством Израиль, гово …
Ngôn ngữ Nga
William Hanna: The Forty Days After Our Lord’s Resurrection
I have long had the conviction that the results of that fuller and more exact interpretation of the books of the New Testament to which biblical scholars have been conducted, might be made availa …
William Hanna: The Broken Promise of a Promised Land
Zionism . . . promotes the narrative that the Nazi holocaust is exceptional in human history – despite it being one of many holocausts from Native Americans North and South to Armenia and Rwanda. It …
William Hanna: Les quarante jours après la Résurrection
Après sa résurrection, Jésus-Christ n’est pas monté au ciel directement, mais il est resté 40 jours sur terre. C’est un temps considérable, lorsqu’on considère qu’il n’est apparu qu’une dizaine de fo …
tiếng Pháp
William D. Hanna: Corncrake’s Welcome
The Corncrake’s Welcome continues the story of William Hanna’s family, introduced in Voyages with my Grandfather. Spanning a hundred years, these memoirs delve into the turbulent birth of Northern Ir …
William Hanna: Infinite Sleeper Squad
This is not infinite horror, there is no ‘wipe out’ brutal task, there is no distinction between new and old people …… This is an adventure space, everyone enters at the same time, in order to su …
William Hanna: Memoir