Bring yourself up to date on everything you need to know about Ubuntu Linux The Ubuntu Linux Bible covers all of thelatest developments in version 8.10 and 8.04, including tips fornewcomers as well as expert guidance for seasoned systemadministrators. Learn about topics like the Gnome Desktop, the Bashshell, virtual machines, wireless networking, file sharing, andmore.Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials arenot included as part of e Book file.
Mục lục
1. The Ubuntu Linux Project.2. Installing Ubuntu and Kubuntu.3. Installing Ubuntu and Kubuntu on Special-Purpose Systems.r Desktop Users4. Basic Linux System Concepts.5. Using the GNOME Desktop.6. Using the KDE 3 Desktop.7. Using the Compiz Window Manager.8. Managing E-Mail and Personal Information with Evoloution.9. Managing Email and Personal Information with Kontact.10. Using the KDE 4 Desktop.11. Surfing the Web with Firefox.12. Migrating from Windows Systems.13. Sending and Receiving Instant Messages.14. Using Command-Line Tools.15. Working with Text Files on Ubuntu.16. Creating and Publishing Documents.17. Other Office Software: Spreadsheets and Presentations.18. Working with Graphics.19. Working with Multimedia.20. Would You Like to Play a Game?21. Connecting to Other Systems.22. File Transfer and Sharing on Ubuntu.23. Consumer Electronics and Ubuntu.24. Software Development on Ubuntu.25. Understanding the Ubuntu Startup and Shutdown Processes.26. Adding, Removing, and Updating Software.27. Managing Users, Groups, Authentication, and Advanced Permissions.28. Managing System Policies and Security.29. Backing Up and Restoring Files.30. Adding Hardware and Attaching Peripherals.31. Network Configuration and Security.32. Going Wireless.33. Using Virtual Machines and Emulators.34. Setting Up a Web Server.35. Setting Up a Mail Server.36. Setting Up a DHCP Server.37. Setting Up a DNS Server.38. Setting Up a Print Server.39. Setting Up an NFS Server.40. Setting Up a Samba Server.Appendix A: What’s on the CD-ROM?